Religion Vs. Relationship

Religion Vs. Relationship

As we minister in mid-Wales, we're discovering a heartbreaking trend that has emptied many chapels across this beautiful country—religion itself.

I can't tell you how many adults have shared nearly identical stories with us. As children, they were bundled off to church or chapel every Sunday without explanation, marched down the aisle in uncomfortable clothes, and told to sit still and be quiet. They memorized prayers and recited responses without understanding why. They were taught how to act but never why it mattered.

"We just did it because we had to," one elderly gentleman told me, his weathered face creasing with the memory. "Mam would've had our hides if we'd refused."

Church services were as dry as month-old scones—formal, repetitive, and utterly devoid of life. The ministers droned on about the stories of the Bible without ever bringing about an application to the people or helping them understand how and why the Bible is still relevant today.

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Beauty and Bands

Beauty and Bands

As I mentioned before, with our upcoming ladies' meetings on the horizon, I've been knee-deep in fairy tale themes and decorations. I confess that even during my quiet time with the Lord this morning, my mind was still swirling with images of glass slippers and enchanted roses. So when I opened my Bible to Zechariah 11 and read about Beauty and Bands, I couldn't help but smile at God's sense of humor.

"And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock." (Zechariah 11:7)

Beauty and Bands. It immediately transported me to the beloved tale of Beauty and the Beast. You know the story—a beautiful young woman, a cursed prince, a magical rose, and the power of true love. But as I continued reading, I realized God wasn't telling me a fairy tale. He was revealing something far more profound.

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The Comfort of God’s Everlasting Arms
God's goodness, God's love, God's promises Dana Rongione God's goodness, God's love, God's promises Dana Rongione

The Comfort of God’s Everlasting Arms

Have you ever noticed how parents instinctively position themselves to catch their children? Whether teaching a toddler to walk or spotting a child learning to ride a bike, their arms are always underneath, ready to catch their precious ones when they fall. It's a natural response—one born of love and an intense desire to protect.

This morning, as I was reading in Deuteronomy, a familiar verse caught my attention in a new way. "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27). I've read this verse countless times, but today, that word "underneath" jumped off the page and grabbed my heart.

Why underneath? Of all the ways God could have positioned His arms—around us, beside us, or even above us—He specifically tells us His everlasting arms are underneath.

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Lessons From the Birds, Part One
God's love, God's goodness, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione God's love, God's goodness, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione

Lessons From the Birds, Part One

I'm always fascinated by the birds that visit our backyard feeder. They're a lively bunch, full of personality and quirks. This morning, as I sat sipping my hot tea and watching them flutter about, I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics.

One particularly stubborn sparrow refused to share the last remaining suet ball. He perched on the feeder, puffing out his chest and squawking at any bird who dared to come near. The other birds would try to sneak in for a quick bite, but the sparrow was having none of it. He was determined to guard his prize.

As I watched this little drama unfold, I found myself thanking God for His wonderful qualities, which are never in limited supply.

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How Good Is Good Enough? (A Repost)
Discontentment, Discouragement, God's love Dana Rongione Discontentment, Discouragement, God's love Dana Rongione

How Good Is Good Enough? (A Repost)

Today, I want to do something a little different. While this devotion applies to anyone in any stage or area of life, I want to specifically talk to those who suffer from chronic illness. Perhaps, like me, it's a joint disorder, arthritis, bursitis, or other pain-related situations. Or maybe you suffer from an autoimmune disease like lupus, celiac disease, or type 1 diabetes. It could even be you're many months into cancer and the various treatments related to that. Whatever the disease or illness, I want to speak to your hurting hearts.

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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Tess is undeniably adorable, but she's got a bit of a disobedience problem. She can't resist the urge to find a way out of our yard and into the sheep pasture behind us. Despite our best efforts to contain her, our mutt just can't help herself. Sound familiar? Observing Tess's behavior can give us valuable insights and lessons from a biblical perspective.

First and foremost, Tess's antics remind me of our human tendencies to wander from God's plan for our lives. Just like my pup can't resist the allure of exploring beyond her boundaries, we often find ourselves tempted by worldly distractions that lead us astray from God's intended path.

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One Last Day
God's love Dana Rongione God's love Dana Rongione

One Last Day

As I strolled with Tess on our daily walk, I pondered the inquiry. It’s a question that’s been asked more times than any of us could ever count: if you knew you only had one day left to live, how would you spend that day?

What would I do? For starters, I would throw the words “diet” and “exercise” out the window and pig out on all my favorite foods. After all, if it’s my last day on earth, I don’t have to worry about weight gain, right? I’d also want to spend as much time as possible with the ones I love.

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Too Much of a Good Thing
Dog Devotions, God's goodness, God's love Dana Rongione Dog Devotions, God's goodness, God's love Dana Rongione

Too Much of a Good Thing

I absolutely love my office in our Welsh home. Unlike my workspace in our house in Greenville, SC, this room is entirely dedicated to office work. No bed, closet, piano, or anything else. Just desks, filing cabinets, and bookcases. And don’t let me forget the beautiful view of the Welsh hills beyond the sliding glass doors that occupy the entire front wall of my office. Breathtaking!

The one thing I noticed about this room is that it gets chilly in the winter. Because of the wall of glass, it can be a tad drafty, especially on windy days. That being the case, I have a small electric heater I can turn on whenever the need arises. And it didn’t take long to discover Tess’s favorite spot in my office is snuggled up right in front of the heater.

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The Tess Tea Party
Dog Devotions, God's love, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Dog Devotions, God's love, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

The Tess Tea Party

Tess, our precious terrier, loves people and does not appreciate being left alone. We’ve had a few occasions where she’s gotten into things around the house while we were away at the chapel, but most of the time, she’s an angel. Last Sunday, however, was not one of those times.

As we entered the house Sunday afternoon after our morning church service, we immediately spotted the debris covering the foyer carpet. Destroyed plastic containers dotted the area. Tea bags—some intact, many not—littered the floor. Loose-leaf tea covered the room like fallen leaves on an autumn day. Yes, for some strange reason, our pooch decided to ransack my tea collection. Bad dog! Nobody messes with Mama’s tea!!!

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