Religion Vs. Relationship

Religion Vs. Relationship

As we minister in mid-Wales, we're discovering a heartbreaking trend that has emptied many chapels across this beautiful country—religion itself.

I can't tell you how many adults have shared nearly identical stories with us. As children, they were bundled off to church or chapel every Sunday without explanation, marched down the aisle in uncomfortable clothes, and told to sit still and be quiet. They memorized prayers and recited responses without understanding why. They were taught how to act but never why it mattered.

"We just did it because we had to," one elderly gentleman told me, his weathered face creasing with the memory. "Mam would've had our hides if we'd refused."

Church services were as dry as month-old scones—formal, repetitive, and utterly devoid of life. The ministers droned on about the stories of the Bible without ever bringing about an application to the people or helping them understand how and why the Bible is still relevant today.

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Grounded in Faith
Salvation Dana Rongione Salvation Dana Rongione

Grounded in Faith

Jason has always loved his coffee, but lately, he's become a bit of a coffee nerd. I suppose that's not the nicest way to put it, but it's true. In the past, he was content with a simple pour-over method - put a filter in the pour-over, add the coffee grounds, pour hot water over the top, and add a splash of milk. Easy peasy. But not anymore.

Now, Jason insists on a much more detailed process to get the perfect cup of coffee. It starts with measuring the coffee beans and then misting them with water. Next, he grinds the beans to a specific coarseness. Then, he heats the water to a precise temperature (not too hot, not too cold). Finally, he pours the water over the grounds in timed increments, 100g at a time. It's like a science experiment!

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The Immeasurable Mercy of God
Salvation, Humility, Forgiveness, God's goodness Dana Rongione Salvation, Humility, Forgiveness, God's goodness Dana Rongione

The Immeasurable Mercy of God

As I read this passage in my daily devotions this week, I was reminded of an incredible truth: God's mercy knows no bounds. No one is too far gone for His forgiveness and grace. Not even the wicked King Ahab, as we'll see.

In 1 Kings 21, ruthless Ahab coveted a vineyard belonging to Naboth. When Naboth refused to sell it, spiteful Queen Jezebel arranged for Naboth to be falsely accused and stoned to death so Ahab could seize the land.

Yet despite this appalling injustice and all the wickedness Ahab had done in his lifetime, God later showed mercy to Ahab. How? And better yet, why?

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Looking for Something?
Salvation Dana Rongione Salvation Dana Rongione

Looking for Something?

While on our daily walk yesterday, Tess and I came across a couple working diligently in the ditch on the side of the road. As usual, Tess wanted to stop and greet the people, so we chatted for several minutes.

I learned they were trying to uncover the water main to their house, which had become buried under a year’s growth of brush and bramble. They knew the approximate location of the main, but with all the thorns, grass, and weeds, they couldn’t find it. I didn’t envy them. The day was frigid and damp, and the ditch stretched on quite a ways. The brush was thick, and despite the abundance of rain, the ground was hard.

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How Good Is Good Enough?
Salvation Dana Rongione Salvation Dana Rongione

How Good Is Good Enough?

This weekend, Jason and I worked on installing a doggie door for Tess. So far, she’s done a great job of letting us know when she needs to go out, but having a dedicated doggie door makes like so much easier for all of us.

The existing exterior door had glass panels at the top and the bottom. Jason removed the bottom panel of glass and replaced it with a piece of plywood. After that, it was my turn to make merry with the paint.

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If You Only Knew
God's goodness, Salvation Dana Rongione God's goodness, Salvation Dana Rongione

If You Only Knew

I’m reading a book for teens and pre-teens called The Camelot Code. Being fascinated with Arthurian myths, I’m drawn to anything about that topic, and this book was no exception.

In the story, young Arthur—who has no idea he is the rightful heir to Camelot—falls into the magical Well of Dreams and is transported to the future—our time. Despite his peculiar dress and behavior, he quickly becomes Mr. Popular at the local school and even joins the football team. Before long, the young boy, who had only known loneliness and servitude, vows he’ll never return to the past.

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