One Last Day

As I strolled with Tess on our daily walk, I pondered the inquiry. It’s a question that’s been asked more times than any of us could ever count:  if you knew you only had one day left to live, how would you spend that day?

What would I do?  For starters, I would throw the words “diet” and “exercise” out the window and pig out on all my favorite foods.  After all, if it’s my last day on earth, I don’t have to worry about weight gain, right?  I’d also want to spend as much time as possible with the ones I love.  I would take time to smell the roses (or daffodils, as is the case in the UK this time of year).  I would take in the fresh air and sunshine (if, by chance, it was a sunny day).  I don’t think I would waste time complaining.  Instead, I would try to see the best in everything and everyone.  And while I’m not one to leave things undone, I don’t think you’d find me at my desk or office.  And you certainly wouldn’t see me doing dishes, laundry, or other household chores. Nope, I’d likely be outside hiking a trail with Jason and Tess or snuggled up on the sofa while eating pizza and watching a movie.  I’d do as little work as possible, making the day all about me and meeting my needs and wants.

What about you?  How would you spend your day if you knew it was the last one you had?  Would you go to work?  Would you pig out on junk food?  Would you rekindle a friendship or call up a loved one you hadn’t spoken to in a long time?

Do you know what Jesus did during his last day on earth?  He served.  He knew he was going to die.  He knew He would be betrayed, abandoned, and mocked.  Yet, He spent His final hours pouring out His love to those closest to Him.  He ate with the one who would sell Him off for the price of a slave.  He washed the dirty feet of those who would soon run away from Him, leaving Him to face the angry mob alone.  He prayed not only with his disciples but also for them.  He didn’t make it all about Him.  He focused on others.  Even as He staggered up Calvary’s hill, His mind was occupied with something far greater than pain or fear.  He was thinking about everyone that had ever been and would ever be born and rejoicing in His love for us.

Knowing He was going to die, Jesus lived His last day just as He had every other day of His life—serving others.  He put His own needs and wants on the back burner and focused on others.  And in doing so, He set an excellent example for how we should live.  The question is, are we following His example, or are we living as if we are the center of our universe?  Let’s not wait until our last day to figure it out.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. - John 3:16-17


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