Lessons From the Birds, Part One

I'm always fascinated by the birds that visit our backyard feeder. They're a lively bunch, full of personality and quirks. This morning, as I sat sipping my hot tea and watching them flutter about, I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics.

One particularly stubborn sparrow refused to share the last remaining suet ball. He perched on the feeder, puffing out his chest and squawking at any bird who dared to come near. The other birds would try to sneak in for a quick bite, but the sparrow was having none of it. He was determined to guard his prize.

As I watched this little drama unfold, I found myself thanking God for His wonderful qualities, which are never in limited supply. You see, unlike that suet ball, God's love, grace, mercy, compassion, patience, and goodness are never depleted. They're not reserved for a select few or doled out sparingly. No, they're available to each and every one of us in abundance.

Look at 1 John 4:8, which says, "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." God's love isn't just one of His many attributes—it's who He is. And because of that, His love is infinite and unchanging. It's not dependent on our circumstances or our worthiness. It's a constant, steady force that surrounds us and holds us close.

But sometimes, we can be a bit like that stingy sparrow, right? We cling to what we think is ours, afraid to share or let go. We might hoard our time, resources, or even our love, forgetting that God's supply is endless. When we do this, we miss out on the joy of giving and the blessings of sharing His love with others.

So, how can we avoid being a stingy sparrow? It's all about trusting in God's provision and His character. Remembering that His love, grace, and mercy are never-ending, we can freely give and share without fear of running out.

This week, I challenge you to reflect on how you might be holding on too tightly. Are there areas in your life where you're clinging to scarcity instead of embracing God's abundance? Take a step back and let go. Trust that God's love and grace are more than enough for you and those around you.

As we learn to live in the freedom of God's boundless love, mercy, and grace, we'll find ourselves more willing to share, more open to receive, and more grateful for the many blessings He pours into our lives. So, let's spread our wings and soar, knowing that God's love is always there to carry us through.


Lessons From the Birds, Part Two


Foreground Faith