Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Tess is undeniably adorable, but she's got a bit of a disobedience problem. She can't resist the urge to find a way out of our yard and into the sheep pasture behind us. Despite our best efforts to contain her, our mutt just can't help herself. Sound familiar? Observing Tess's behavior can give us valuable insights and lessons from a biblical perspective.

First and foremost, Tess's antics remind me of our human tendencies to wander from God's plan for our lives. Just like my pup can't resist the allure of exploring beyond her boundaries, we often find ourselves tempted by worldly distractions that lead us astray from God's intended path. It's so easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about the bigger picture, just like Tess forgets about the consequences of her actions when she's hot on the trail of those sheep (or, more specifically, the droppings they leave behind, gross).

But here's the good news! Just as we love Tess and want what's best for her, God loves us infinitely more and desires what's best for us. Even when we disobey, He is always there, ready to forgive and guide us back to where we’re supposed to be. All we need to do is listen and follow His lead.

Another vital lesson from Tess's escapades is the significance of boundaries. We have gone to great lengths to secure the fencing surrounding the yard, but much like Houdini, she always seems to find (or create) an escape route. Similarly, God has given us boundaries to safeguard and protect us from harm. Yet, we often try to test or push those boundaries to the limit. Fortunately, just as we never give up on our pup when she escapes, God never gives up on us, either. He is always there, extending His loving hand to guide us back within His boundaries and keep us safe.

Last but not least, Tess's disobedience reminds me of the importance of learning from our mistakes. Despite her persistent attempts, our little terrier always fails in her mission as she eventually gets caught and returned to our yard. However, instead of giving up or getting discouraged, she keeps trying. With each attempt, she gains more insight into what works and what doesn't. The little booger!

Similarly, we're all bound to make mistakes and encounter failures, but let's not forget that those failures don't define us. It's how we learn from them and grow that truly matters. Like Tess's determination to escape, let's never give up on ourselves or our dreams. Instead, let's embrace our mistakes as valuable lessons, persistently learning and growing until we succeed.

So there you have it—a blend of mischievous antics and devotional insights inspired by Tess's adventures. Obedience to God brings true joy, contentment, and fulfillment. Let's stay within the boundaries of His love and grace, just like Tess will learn to do in time (we hope!).

In the meantime, stay "paws"itive and keep wagging those tails of faith, my friends!

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12)


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