Who Am I?
My name is Dana Rongione. I live in Wales, where my husband, Jason, and I serve as missionaries. Though we’ve only been in country a short while, we’ve already grown to love the people, the landscape, the climate, and nearly everything else about this amazing place.
In my spare time, I love to read, write, and play the piano. I’m also a big fan of walking and hiking, and it looks like my hubby has talked me into learning the joys of riding an e-bike. We’ll see how that goes!
You’ll find out more about me when you read my writing because when it comes to sharing my heart, I’m an open book. After years of trying to hide my flaws and insecurities, I finally learned to just be me. And you know what? It feels good!
So, if you want to know more, stick around. Scroll down the page to find some interesting tidbits. Look around my site to see what I have to offer. I want you to get to know me, but more than that, I want to help you get to know the Lord.
Shall we get started?

Fun Facts About Me:
As you can tell from the pictures, I love to explore old and beautiful places.
I am in love with Arthurian legends.
I married my best friend 25 years ago, and I love him more each day.
I love the smell of coffee but cannot stand the taste. (Sorry, coffee lovers!). I much prefer a cup of herbal tea.
Speaking of tea, my collection of tea options takes up an entire 3-foot shelf in my coffee nook. I’m serious about my tea!
I am a dog person. Always have been.
I get excited strolling through graveyards and reading the various tombstones. Creepy, right? But, hey, it’s the truth.
I enjoy singing though that’s not to say others enjoy hearing me sing, but some say they do. I’ll take that as a win.
One of my favorite things to do is teach the Bible to women and children alike.
I am an introvert, but I’m working hard to be more outgoing when the need arises. (But, I’m happiest when the need doesn’t arise, and I can sit in my office writing or reading.)
When I was around the age of six, I was sitting in my Sunday School class, half-listening as my teacher told another story. Suddenly, I realized she had asked a question, for everyone but me was raising one hand. The other lady that helped in our SS class, took me by the hand and led me out into the big chapel area. "You aren't saved?" she asked me. Confused, I shook my head. "Would you like to be?" she asked. I nodded, remembering that everyone else in the class had said that they were saved. I really didn't have any idea what she was talking about.
We knelt down at the pew, and she told me to repeat the words of her prayer. I did, though I can't remember them because at the time, they really didn't mean anything to me. After saying, "Amen," the lady rose, hugged me, told me I was saved, and led me back into the classroom. I understand that she meant well, but I left the class that day thinking I was saved, yet not even understanding what salvation was.
A few weeks later, a friend and I were playing at Day Care. Somehow, we started talking about salvation. I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember that we got into a fight about it. He was telling me that salvation was accepting Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior. I informed him that he was wrong, and salvation was just saying a prayer with your Sunday School teacher. It wasn't long before the Day Care administrator noticed our dispute. After we explained the disagreement, she informed me that my friend was correct. She sat down with us and explained in detail what it meant to be saved. She told of Christ's death on the cross and of His glorious resurrection. She spoke of hell and the torment within. Suddenly, it clicked, and I understood. I knew what I needed to do. I knelt there with my friend and the administrator and asked the Lord to save me.
Since that day, there have been many spiritual battles. I've been tempted to quit. I've been tempted to turn back. I've been tempted to believe the lies of the devil. But through it all, the Lord has been with me. He has led me and protected me. Yes, through it all, God's been good!
My Testimony of Salvation

I have published 21 books, but I hope to have more in the near future.
I began writing full-time in 2006. The year before that, I received an invitation in the mail to apply for classes with the Institute of Children’s Literature. I have no idea how they got my information or why they sent me the application as I had never considered writing as anything more than a hobby. But, I figured I’d give it a go. At the time I was teaching kindergarten at a local Christian school, but before long, I discovered I enjoyed writing more than I did teaching. After much prayer, I left my teaching position and pursued an education and career in writing. Twenty-one books later, I can tell you that I haven’t made much of a living writing, but I’ve had a great life. To this day, writing is still one of my favorite things to do.
Many of my ideas come from everyday experiences. It’s amazing how many spiritual life lessons are around us if we’ll learn to pay attention. Other ideas seem to jump off the pages of my Bible during my daily reading time or the Sunday sermon (don’t tell my pastor).
With God all things are possible. That being said, the skills of writing can be learned, but creativity is something you’re born with. Writing requires a combination of skill and creativity, grammar and imagination. And it helps if you’re a little bit crazy!
Jason and I are currently helping another missionary get his existing chapel up and running, while also helping out in other chapels in the area. Jason preaches in several towns and does a lot of distribution of materials such as Bibles, flyers, invitations, and such. As for me, most of my responsibilities deal with office work—keeping up with expenses, sending out prayer letters each month, designing the promotional materials for the chapel, and the like. I also speak at ladies’ meetings, play the piano for the chapel services and Bible studies, and create flower arrangements for the chapel. Our primary focus so far has been getting to know the people and building relationships, so we can tell them about Jesus. We hope we’ll be able to see this work flourish and be able to duplicate the process in a nearby town. We would love to see another revival flow through the valleys of Wales.
Well, yes and no. When I was little, my hair was strawberry blonde. By my high school years, it had turned a dark auburn and had been many shades of red in between. After that, I followed in the pattern of all the women in my family and started to go gray. I’ve colored it ever since. But, while my hair needs a little help in maintaining its red tones these days, I can assure you I am a true redhead through and through—feisty temper and all.