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Tightrope Trusting
Life's Journey, Weary, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Weary, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Tightrope Trusting

As I was doing my Optimize Your Day routine this morning, I looked out my office window and saw a large bird land on the overhead power line. This power line isn't very taught, and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The bird tried to steady itself, but it was a comical sight. Its tail feathers were pointing and flexing, and its wings would occasionally shoot out to steady itself. It was like watching a tightrope walker trying to keep their balance or a child trying to swing for the first time.

This lasted several seconds until the bird finally gave up and flew off. As I watched this, I couldn't help but think about how often I feel like that bird.

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Man Plans; God Directs
Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione

Man Plans; God Directs

Eager to hit the hiking trails last week, Jason and I checked the forecast for the best day. Friday showed sun, while Saturday predicted snow, so Friday it was!

After breakfast on Friday morning, we were greeted by rain showers mixed with fat snowflakes instead of sunshine. "No problem," we shrugged. “It’s Wales! Wet weather is just part of the charm. Besides, as usual, the rain will likely come and go in short bursts.” You can probably guess where this is headed.

Despite the continuing wintry mix, we stuck with Plan A, trudging up muddy slopes in worsening snow and sleet for hours. Slipping in sodden boots with freezing fingers, I muttered, “Maybe we should've waited till tomorrow." By the time we stumbled back to the car, I was as drenched and weary.

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Embracing Life’s Mix of Good and Bad
Purpose, Life's Journey, Encouragement Dana Rongione Purpose, Life's Journey, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Embracing Life’s Mix of Good and Bad

Life is a fascinating journey, isn't it? It's a blend of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, blessings, and challenges. As Christians, we may sometimes find ourselves longing for a perfect life, free from difficulties and setbacks. However, the reality is that life, even for the believer, is a beautiful medley of good and bad.

This summer in Wales, the weather has been an apt metaphor for life's unpredictable nature. We've experienced days of cool rain, perfect for cozy indoor activities like reading and writing. But alongside those rainy days, we've also had moments of warm sunshine that beckon us to venture outdoors and soak up its rays.

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Too Much of a Good Thing
Dog Devotions, God's goodness, God's love Dana Rongione Dog Devotions, God's goodness, God's love Dana Rongione

Too Much of a Good Thing

I absolutely love my office in our Welsh home. Unlike my workspace in our house in Greenville, SC, this room is entirely dedicated to office work. No bed, closet, piano, or anything else. Just desks, filing cabinets, and bookcases. And don’t let me forget the beautiful view of the Welsh hills beyond the sliding glass doors that occupy the entire front wall of my office. Breathtaking!

The one thing I noticed about this room is that it gets chilly in the winter. Because of the wall of glass, it can be a tad drafty, especially on windy days. That being the case, I have a small electric heater I can turn on whenever the need arises. And it didn’t take long to discover Tess’s favorite spot in my office is snuggled up right in front of the heater.

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Count It All Joy?
trust, Wayward Emotions, Trials Dana Rongione trust, Wayward Emotions, Trials Dana Rongione

Count It All Joy?

Have you ever looked at particular commands in the Bible and thought, I don’t know if I can do that? There’s a specific verse in the book of James that has always made me break out in a cold sweat until I recently looked at it a little more closely.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. - James 1:2-3

Count it all joy when I’m going through trials? Um, seriously?

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How Do I Know I Can Trust God?
faith, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione faith, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione

How Do I Know I Can Trust God?

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. - James 1:8

To be double-minded essentially means we’re wishy-washy. In our Christian walk, it manifests itself in not knowing whether God can be trusted. At times, we think He can, but when circumstances go crazy, we begin to doubt. We believe God is good, but then we question whether that’s true. Double-minded. Wishy-washy. Unstable.

But what if we could know, without a doubt, that God can be trusted? What if we could prove it to ourselves every time we started to question God’s goodness? Fortunately, we can do it by meditating upon one single chapter of the Bible.

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Something You Can Count On
the Word of God, Life's Journey Dana Rongione the Word of God, Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Something You Can Count On

The unofficial motto for mid-Wales is “We do weather.” Seriously, the weather around here has more mood swings than I do. In a single 3-mile walk, one can experience rain, sleet, hail, wind, sun, and rainbows. It’s crazy!

And the weather forecast is no help at all. Monday, for example, showed a 0% chance of precipitation all day. There were four or five bouts of sleet and several rain showers, and while the sun did make an appearance a couple of times, it was typically raining or sleeting too. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where you have to wipe the falling snow off your sunglasses.

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