Tightrope Trusting

As I was doing my Optimize Your Day routine this morning, I looked out my office window and saw a large bird land on the overhead power line. This power line isn't very taught, and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The bird tried to steady itself, but it was a comical sight. Its tail feathers were pointing and flexing, and its wings would occasionally shoot out to steady itself. It was like watching a tightrope walker trying to keep their balance or a child trying to swing for the first time.

This lasted several seconds until the bird finally gave up and flew off. As I watched this, I couldn't help but think about how often I feel like that bird. Life can be unsteady and unpredictable, and it can feel like we're constantly fighting to keep our balance. We talk about putting one foot in front of the other, but sometimes, all we can do is try not to fall down.

But here's the thing:  when going through those unsteady times, we must remember that God is our rock. He's the one who can steady us when everything else is shaking. Psalm 62:2 says, "He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved."

When we trust God, we can have peace, even in chaos. We don't have to be like that bird, flapping our wings and trying to steady ourselves. We can rest in the knowledge that God has got us.

I'm not saying that life will always be easy or we won't face challenges. But I am saying that when we trust in God, we can have confidence that He will see us through. We can have hope, even when things seem hopeless.

So, my challenge for you today is to take a moment and reflect on where you're putting your trust. Are you trying to steady yourself, or are you trusting in God? Remember, He's our rock and our salvation. Let's put our trust in Him and let Him steady us when life gets shaky.

And if you feel you just need a good laugh, think about that crazy bird trying to balance on the power line.  I guarantee you can't help but smile.


Helpless But Hopeful


Reaping a Harvest of Joy