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Lessons From the Birds, Part Three

Lessons From the Birds, Part Three

The avian antics at my bird feeder seemed to be an endless source of spiritual insight. From the clever sparrow who found a way around the crowded sides to the persistent little fellow who refused to give up, each bird had something to teach. I love how God does that! As I settled in for another session of feathered observation, I was struck by a new lesson that would make me question my approach to life's challenges and remind me of the importance of seeking God's guidance.

As the last suet ball dwindled, it shifted to one side of the feeder, presenting a new challenge for the feathered visitors. One determined bird caught my eye. Instead of simply flying around to the side where the suet ball now rested, this stubborn little fellow insisted on stretching through the bars, twisting his neck at impossible angles, all in an attempt to reach the food. I couldn't help but chuckle at his ridiculous contortions.

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Helpless But Hopeful
Weary, Comfort, Encouragement, Hope Dana Rongione Weary, Comfort, Encouragement, Hope Dana Rongione

Helpless But Hopeful

At the time of this writing, it is three days before our biggest community event of the year. I’ve been planning and preparing for weeks, hoping to iron out every wrinkle so the day will run smoothly and successfully. But you know what the Bible says about man's plans, right?

About a week and a half ago, my back decided to throw one of its fits. This wasn't its everyday pinch, sting, and ache. This was lying flat in the bed for an entire week! Yup, a whole week where I couldn't work on the mountain of things that needed to be done. Oh, how helpless and frustrated I felt.

After a visit with my osteopath, I finally started feeling some relief and could start pecking away at a chore here and there as long as I took long rest and stretch breaks in between.

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Tightrope Trusting
Life's Journey, Weary, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Weary, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Tightrope Trusting

As I was doing my Optimize Your Day routine this morning, I looked out my office window and saw a large bird land on the overhead power line. This power line isn't very taught, and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The bird tried to steady itself, but it was a comical sight. Its tail feathers were pointing and flexing, and its wings would occasionally shoot out to steady itself. It was like watching a tightrope walker trying to keep their balance or a child trying to swing for the first time.

This lasted several seconds until the bird finally gave up and flew off. As I watched this, I couldn't help but think about how often I feel like that bird.

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