Something You Can Count On

The unofficial motto for mid-Wales is “We do weather.” Seriously, the weather around here has more mood swings than I do. In a single 3-mile walk, one can experience rain, sleet, hail, wind, sun, and rainbows. It’s crazy!

And the weather forecast is no help at all. Monday, for example, showed a 0% chance of precipitation all day. There were four or five bouts of sleet and several rain showers, and while the sun did make an appearance a couple of times, it was typically raining or sleeting too. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where you have to wipe the falling snow off your sunglasses. I can’t tell you how often the forecast has called for dry weather and been so very wrong. It’s become such a running joke around our house that we’ve concluded the Welsh air is just wet. So if all we’re getting is a light rain shower, it’s not really precipitation; it’s just damp air.

I’ll be the first to admit that the weather forecast where I’m from in South Carolina wasn’t always accurate, but it was usually pretty close. I could check the weather in the morning and have a good idea of what to expect from the temperatures and weather conditions for the day. Then, I could dress accordingly. Here, I expect rain and wind and dress the part. It’s the best I can do.

How wonderful is it to know that we can count on God’s Word? We don’t have to guess what God expects from us. He tells us in the Scriptures. We don’t have to wonder about His love for us. It’s written as clear as day (not a Welsh day, obviously). We don’t have to doubt His goodness, grace, or mercy. It’s described in great detail throughout the pages of the Bible. And unlike the weather forecast, it never misses the mark. It says what it means and means what it says.

It’s comforting to me in this world of change to have something and Someone I can rely on. It’s good to know the Bible will never lead me astray. It never provides false hope or false expectation. It is the truth in every way, and I can count on it to help me weather the day, no matter what the conditions may be like. And you can count on it, too!

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. - II Timothy 3:16


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