How Do I Know I Can Trust God?

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. - James 1:8

To be double-minded essentially means we’re wishy-washy.  In our Christian walk, it manifests itself in not knowing whether God can be trusted.  At times, we think He can, but when circumstances go crazy, we begin to doubt.  We believe God is good, but then we question whether that’s true.  Double-minded.  Wishy-washy.  Unstable.

But what if we could know, without a doubt, that God can be trusted?  What if we could prove it to ourselves every time we started to question God’s goodness?  Fortunately, we can do it by meditating upon one single chapter of the Bible.  Verse after verse, Psalm 18 gives us a detailed account of why we can trust God.  Let’s take a look at it today.  I encourage you to get out your Bible and follow along with me.

Why Can I Trust God?

  • He is my strength. - Vs. 1, 2, 17

  • He is my rock. - Vs. 2, 31, 46

  • He is my fortress. - Vs. 2

  • He is my deliverer. - Vs. 2, 19, 50

  • He is my buckler. - Vs. 2, 30

  • He is the horn of my salvation. - Vs. 2

  • He is my high tower. - Vs. 2

  • Hs is worthy of praise. - Vs. 3

  • He saves me from my enemies. - Vs. 3, 17, 48

  • He answers my prayers. - Vs. 6

  • He draws me out of troubled waters. - Vs. 16

  • He goes before me to make a path - Vs. 18, 32

  • He is my stay. - Vs. 18

  • He delights in me. - Vs. 19

  • He rewards me according to my righteousness. - Vs. 20

  • He is just and right. - Vs. 24-26

  • He gives light in the darkness. - Vs. 28

  • He gives strength and boldness. - Vs. 29, 32, 39

  • His way is perfect. - Vs. 30

  • His Word is tried and proven. - Vs. 30

  • He offers stability and security. - Vs. 33, 36

  • He sets me in high places. - Vs. 33

  • He teaches me what I need to know. - Vs. 34

  • He provides me with protection in the form of a shield. - Vs. 35

  • He holds me in His right hand. - Vs. 35

  • He is gentle with me, which makes me great - Vs. 35

  • He gives me victory. - Vs. 37-42

  • He delivers me from striving people. - Vs. 43

  • He enables me to lead. - Vs. 43-44, 47

  • He lives! - Vs. 46

  • He avenges me. - Vs. 47

  • He lifts me up to higher ground. - Vs. 48

  • He is merciful. - Vs. 50

I don’t know about you, but when I read through this chapter, I certainly feel much better.  No matter what life throws my way or how emotional I feel, God’s Word is true, and He can be trusted.


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