Looking for Something?

While on our daily walk yesterday, Tess and I came across a couple working diligently in the ditch on the side of the road. As usual, Tess wanted to stop and greet the people, so we chatted for several minutes.

I learned they were trying to uncover the water main to their house, which had become buried under a year’s growth of brush and bramble. They knew the approximate location of the main, but with all the thorns, grass, and weeds, they couldn’t find it. I didn’t envy them. The day was frigid and damp, and the ditch stretched on quite a ways. The brush was thick, and despite the abundance of rain, the ground was hard.

At one point, while the woman and I chatted, I heard the distinct “clink” of the shovel hitting something solid. After several minutes of hopeful digging, the man pulled out a large rock. Dejected, he tossed it over his shoulder and continued the search.

By this time, Tess was growing impatient to continue her walk, so I bid them farewell and went on my way. We walked another mile or so, then turned around to retrace our steps back to our home. Along our route, we passed the couple again; only by then, they had recruited another gentleman to help them.

My heart went out to them as I saw them laboring away, and I called out, “Still no luck?” The woman turned to me with a smile and replied, “We’ve found a lot of rocks, but still not what we’re looking for.”

As I continued my walk, I wondered how many people in this life are searching for something to satisfy. Searching for peace, happiness, or belonging. Searching for hope, a better life, or worldly riches. Sadly, some think they’ve found what they’re looking for, only to discover it’s nothing more than a pile of rocks. Beauty is fleeting. People are fickle. Money is flighty. And fame can be fatal.

What it boils down to is that people don’t really know what they’re searching for. They need Jesus; they just don’t realize it. Only He can offer them true peace, joy, and a rewarding future. While other things in this life are fleeting or fickle, Jesus is faithful. He is a Friend that will never leave us. He’s a Comforter that will never force us to face the cares of the world on our own. He is the one and only Savior who can deliver us from our sins. He is everything.

We can spend our whole lives searching for the latest and greatest, but we’ll always end up disappointed. Wouldn’t it be better to spend our lives rejoicing in the One who delights in us? With Jesus in our lives, we have all we’ll ever need. There’s no reason to keep digging around, hoping to find something better. There is nothing better! Jesus is the Rock that’s worth something. Please seek Him today!

The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. - Psalm 22:26


Praying Through Discontentment


Just Be