Grounded in Faith

Jason has always loved his coffee, but lately, he's become a bit of a coffee nerd. I suppose that's not the nicest way to put it, but it's true. In the past, he was content with a simple pour-over method - put a filter in the pour-over, add the coffee grounds, pour hot water over the top, and add a splash of milk. Easy peasy. But not anymore.

Now, Jason insists on a much more detailed process to get the perfect cup of coffee. It starts with measuring the coffee beans and then misting them with water. Next, he grinds the beans to a specific coarseness. Then, he heats the water to a precise temperature (not too hot, not too cold). Finally, he pours the water over the grounds in timed increments, 100g at a time. It's like a science experiment!

I have to admit, I've tried his coffee, and it is better than the old way, but is it worth all that extra time and effort? I'm not so sure. Thank you very much, but I’ll stick with my trusty tea. Just drop in the tea bag, let it steep for a few minutes, remove the bag, and enjoy. No misting or measuring is required.

But as I watch Jason go through his elaborate coffee-making routine each morning, I can't help but think about how different it is from the way God designed salvation. Aren't you glad that coming to Christ isn't as complicated as brewing the perfect cup of coffee?

Salvation doesn't measure how good or bad we've been. It's not affected by how long we’ve been running from God. It doesn't require following a step-by-step program or doing anything in our own strength. No, salvation is all about faith.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Salvation is not a task to be earned or a process to be navigated. It’s a gift freely given by God. We don’t need to strive or struggle. We just need to acknowledge our need for a Savior, believe in Jesus, and accept His gift of salvation.

Today, I urge you to pause and consider your faith. Are you striving to earn salvation through good deeds or by following a complex process? Or are you simply placing your trust in Jesus and accepting His gift of salvation? Remember, it’s not about what we do but what Jesus has already done for us. Let’s trust in Him and accept His gift of salvation today.


Bouncy Castles and Boundless Grace


Helpless But Hopeful