The Immeasurable Mercy of God
As I read this passage in my daily devotions this week, I was reminded of an incredible truth: God's mercy knows no bounds. No one is too far gone for His forgiveness and grace. Not even the wicked King Ahab, as we'll see.
In 1 Kings 21, ruthless Ahab coveted a vineyard belonging to Naboth. When Naboth refused to sell it, spiteful Queen Jezebel arranged for Naboth to be falsely accused and stoned to death so Ahab could seize the land.
Yet despite this appalling injustice and all the wickedness Ahab had done in his lifetime, God later showed mercy to Ahab. How? And better yet, why?

Trusting God to Open Doors
In His letter to Philadelphia, Jesus introduces Himself as the One with the key of David, who opens and shuts doors. He alone determines our ministry opportunities. The believers in Philadelphia grasped this concept, utilising the opportunities presented by Him rather than relying on their own abilities.
Despite having little power, Philadelphia faithfully kept Jesus' Word and did not deny His name, even when pressured. With commendation, Jesus assures them He has placed an open door before them that no one can shut. They recognised that fruitfulness flows from abiding in Christ, not from self-effort, and with that knowledge, they were fulfilling their purpose as a church.