The Other Half of the Prayer
Thoughts, Rise Up and Build Dana Rongione Thoughts, Rise Up and Build Dana Rongione

The Other Half of the Prayer

Most mornings before I leave my devotion time, I close my eyes and whisper, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). It's a prayer that has become as natural to me as breathing. The first part makes perfect sense. I want the actual words coming out of my mouth to honor God. Simple enough.

But recently, as I sat on my beanbag in my office, I paused mid-prayer. What exactly am I asking when I pray for the "meditation of my heart" to be acceptable?

The word "meditation" in Hebrew (hagion) refers to our innermost thoughts, ponderings, and even mutterings. It's what we chew on mentally throughout the day, the internal dialogue constantly running through our minds.

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Broken But Beautiful

Broken But Beautiful

I recently learned about a fascinating Japanese art form called kintsugi. Rather than tossing broken pottery into the bin, artisans carefully piece the fragments back together using a special adhesive made from tree sap. But here's the truly remarkable part: they don’t hide the cracks. Instead, they highlight them by filling the seams with gold, creating something even more beautiful than the original piece.

As I studied photos of these stunning works of art, tears filled my eyes. You see, I know what it's like to feel broken. The weight of anxiety and depression has left me with countless cracks and fissures. The battle against chronic illness has left me weary and battered. There are days when I feel utterly shattered by negative thoughts and overwhelming fears, wondering if I'll ever be whole again. Perhaps you can relate?

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Beyond First Glance

Beyond First Glance

I remember the first time I read the Thoreau quote, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." At first, I thought it was just a clever play on words, but the more I pondered it, the more I realized its profound truth. We all have a tendency to focus on the negative, to dramatize, catastrophize, and even exaggerate things. We do this in our daily lives, and it can significantly impact our overall outlook and well-being.

For instance, have you ever noticed how quickly we can turn a minor inconvenience into a major catastrophe? We spill coffee on our shirt, and suddenly, our entire day is ruined. We get stuck in traffic, and we're convinced we'll never reach our destination on time.

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On Guard!

On Guard!

Have you ever ordered something online only to receive a product that was completely different from what you expected? Well, that recently happened to me.

I had ordered a supplement from eBay, a product I've purchased many times before from various sellers. But when the order arrived, I was immediately concerned. None of the bottles were sealed, which I knew was odd because I’ve always received sealed bottles.

Looking at the product more closely, I began to notice many strange things. The logo was a bit off, and there were typos on the label. The pills themselves were a different size and much less full than usual. Feeling unsure about what was actually in these supplements, I contacted the seller for a refund.

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Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head
Rise Up and Build, Thoughts, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione Rise Up and Build, Thoughts, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione

Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head

I recently heard a quote that instantly resonated with me: "If it's out of your hands, get it out of your head." How often do we stress over things completely out of our control? Whether it's a situation at work, a disagreement with a loved one, or a global pandemic, there are just some things that we can't change.

But here's the thing: worrying about those things doesn't do us any good. In fact, it makes us feel worse. When we focus on the negative, it can be hard to see the positive. We can become consumed by our anxiety and anger, and it can be challenging to break free from those feelings.

So what's the solution? The best way to push those negative thoughts from our minds is to cram our minds so full of positive thoughts that there's no room left for negativity.

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Broken Yet Beloved
Rise Up and Build, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Rise Up and Build, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Broken Yet Beloved

As many of you know, I struggle with joint hyper-mobility, fibromyalgia, and chronic back issues. Some days, the pain and fatigue are almost unbearable, leaving me feeling isolated, frustrated, and even depressed. Recently, I've been experiencing a particularly bad flareup, and I've found myself lying in bed for hours on end, watching the world around me hurry by while I wrestled with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

I'm sure many of you can relate, whether you're battling a chronic illness, dealing with a difficult situation, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges. During these times, we feel like nothing more than a "bruised reed" or a "smoldering wick," ready to break or be snuffed out at any moment.

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Shining Through the Shadows

Shining Through the Shadows

In Wales, the sun is very hit-and-miss, especially during the long winter months. Just this morning, I noticed the blue skies and bright sun and made plans to do a little work outside. I went out and checked on my lawn chair, which was surprisingly dry. Then, I went back in to finish the chore I was in the middle of, with plans to go outside and enjoy the weather as soon as I was finished. A few minutes later, I donned my sweater, grabbed my laptop, and headed outside. Unfortunately, by then, the sun was hiding beneath several layers of gray clouds, and the wind had picked up, giving the air a damp chill. I waited a few minutes to see if the clouds and winds would pass. They didn't. So, I grabbed my stuff and went back inside, lamenting the fact that, once again, I had just missed the sun.

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Morning Time With the Master

Morning Time With the Master

Can you believe another new year has begun? Where did the time go? As the holiday hustle and bustle ramps up, it's hard to believe 2024 has arrived. Fortunately, with the new year comes many new opportunities.

As many of you know, I'm excited to launch my new line of monthly planners and journals accompanying my Optimize Your Day program! I designed them to be uplifting and practical, helping you organize your days while keeping your eyes on Jesus. I'll share more about them in a minute.

But today, I want to discuss an even more important topic than planners and journals—beginning each day with the Lord.

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God’s Rescuing Hand

God’s Rescuing Hand

Last week, we received a long-awaited response from the UK government concerning the appeal set forth by our sponsors. The news wasn't good. The request was denied, and our sponsors' license was revoked. What does this mean for us? From the time of that decision, we have 60 days to set up a new sponsorship and get a new visa or leave the country. You know those rollercoaster rides at amusement parks? Yep, that's exactly how our emotions have been taking us for a spin lately. Anxiety, stress, and frustration have been our not-so-friendly companions during this journey.

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