Broken Yet Beloved

As many of you know, I struggle with joint hyper-mobility, fibromyalgia, and chronic back issues. Some days, the pain and fatigue are almost unbearable, leaving me feeling isolated, frustrated, and even depressed. Recently, I've been experiencing a particularly bad flareup, and I've found myself lying in bed for hours on end, watching the world around me hurry by while I wrestled with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

I'm sure many of you can relate, whether you're battling a chronic illness, dealing with a difficult situation, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges. During these times, we feel like nothing more than a "bruised reed" or a "smoldering wick," ready to break or be snuffed out at any moment.

But friends, let me remind you of a beautiful truth found in Matthew 12:20 (KJV): "A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory." This verse reminds us that God is gentle and nurturing towards those who feel broken and fragile. He doesn't treat us harshly or cast us aside when we're at our weakest. Instead, He cares for us with tender compassion, holding us close and giving us the strength to keep going.

I love the imagery here. A bruised reed may be bent and damaged, but it's not beyond repair. A smoldering wick may be on the verge of going out, but it still has the potential to burn brightly. In the same way, we may feel broken and fragile, like that bruised reed or smoldering wick, but we're not beyond God's reach. He sees our potential and knows that with His help, we can rise above our circumstances and shine for His glory. Even when we feel like we're hanging by a thread, God's gentle hands support us. His love is the balm that heals our bruises, and His Spirit is the breath that fuels our flickering flame into a roaring fire. No matter how damaged or dim we may feel, God sees the masterpiece He created and is committed to restoring us to our full, radiant potential.

So, my friends, if you're feeling like a bruised reed or a smoldering wick today, take heart. Remember that you are deeply loved and valued by your heavenly Father, who cares for you with a gentle and nurturing touch. He sees your pain and struggles and promises to be with you every step of the way.

Let's lean into His love and strength, trusting He will carry us through even the darkest days. And let's encourage one another, reminding each other of the hope and comfort that can be found in His presence. Together, we can rise above our circumstances and become beacons of light in a world that desperately needs to see the love and grace of our Savior.


Brick By Brick


The Sea of Forgetfulness