Have you ever ordered something online only to receive a product that was completely different from what you expected? Well, that recently happened to me.

I had ordered a supplement from eBay, a product I've purchased many times before from various sellers. But when the order arrived, I was immediately concerned. None of the bottles were sealed, which I knew was odd because I’ve always received sealed bottles.

Looking at the product more closely, I began to notice many strange things. The logo was a bit off, and there were typos on the label. The pills themselves were a different size and much less full than usual. Feeling unsure about what was actually in these supplements, I contacted the seller for a refund.

At first, they answered, assuring me that the product was correct and I could take them without worries. But, the fact was, I was worried. I didn't trust the product. Eventually, I got my money back, but I had a tremendous spiritual reminder in the process.

Just like I was careful to examine the supplements I received, we must be equally cautious about what we allow into our minds and hearts. In a world constantly bombarding us with messages and information, we must be discerning about what we consume.

We must ensure that what we watch, read, and listen to aligns with God’s word and values. This means being intentional about the media we consume and mindful of the messages that are being communicated.

For example, if we're watching a TV show or movie that glorifies violence, promiscuity, or other behaviors that are contrary to God's word, we need to be aware of its impact on us. We must ask ourselves if it’s something we should be watching and if it's leading us closer to or further away from God.

Similarly, if we're reading books or articles that promote ideas that are contrary to God's word, we need to be discerning about whether or not we should continue to read them. We need to ask ourselves if they're edifying us and helping us grow in our faith or if they're leading us astray.

Ultimately, we need to be guided by the Holy Spirit in all things. He will help us discern what is good and what is not and lead us in the right direction.

So, let's be intentional about what we allow into our lives. Let's be discerning about the media we consume and the messages we listen to. And let's always seek to align ourselves with God's word and values.

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." - Psalm 101:3


Rest, Run, Repeat


Swatting Away the Easy