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Daring To Hope Again
hope, Encouragement, Life's Journey Dana Rongione hope, Encouragement, Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Daring To Hope Again

Today, I want to discuss something close to my heart - hope. You know, that beautiful thing that sometimes slips through our fingers, leaving us feeling lost and unsure. But fear not, because just like the theme of the book I’m currently working on suggests, we can dare to hope again!

Life can be challenging, and we all face our share of ups and downs. There are moments when hope seems like a distant memory, fading away with every passing trial. But let me tell you a little secret: hope is not lost forever. It may be buried deep within, waiting for the right moment to burst forth like a radiant sunrise.

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Doggie Days and Unmet Expectations

Doggie Days and Unmet Expectations

With the spring weather finally emerging here in Wales, Jason purchased and set up a two-seater swing for me to enjoy. I love spending time outdoors and curling up in a comfy place to read or write. After he set it up, Tess and I spent much of the day snuggled together in the plush swing. To say she was as excited about it as I would be an understatement. She loved it so much that she went outside by herself after lunch. When several minutes had passed, and she hadn’t returned, I went to check on her. Guess where she was. That rotten little thing was stretched out on the swing, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. In her mind, she had a new outside bed. After enjoying more time outside as a family that evening, Jason and I removed the cushions from the swing and brought them inside to keep them dry during the next few days of rain.

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A Fulfilled Hope
God's goodness, hope God's goodness, hope

A Fulfilled Hope

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12

For nearly four years, the first part of that verse has rung true in my life. My heart has been sick. Wales consumed my thoughts, and I wanted nothing more than to be in that country and with those people. But there was a process that had to be followed, so for over three years, we traveled the United States, going to church after church to present our burden. And while the traveling was—well, shall we say exciting?—my heart ached. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to meet other people. It wasn’t that I was longing to leave my family. It’s just that the Lord had planted in my heart a love for the people of Wales, and as long as I was away from that country, I felt out of sorts.

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