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Looking Up When Life Weighs You Down
weary, Positive Life, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione weary, Positive Life, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione

Looking Up When Life Weighs You Down

One of my favorite things to do here in Wales is visit old castles. There’s just something about the history and architecture that fascinates me. But as much as I love exploring these ancient structures, I always end up with a pain in my neck the next day.

When you're walking around a castle, you're constantly looking up. You're admiring the tall towers, the intricate carvings, and the beautiful stained glass windows. But, after a while, all that looking up can take a toll on your neck (especially if you already have neck issues).

Life can be the same way. We want to be positive and keep looking up, but sometimes, circumstances causes such a pain in the neck that we find our gaze slipping down to the depths of despair. Our “eyes fail with looking upward.”

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Something You Can Count On
the Word of God, Life's Journey Dana Rongione the Word of God, Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Something You Can Count On

The unofficial motto for mid-Wales is “We do weather.” Seriously, the weather around here has more mood swings than I do. In a single 3-mile walk, one can experience rain, sleet, hail, wind, sun, and rainbows. It’s crazy!

And the weather forecast is no help at all. Monday, for example, showed a 0% chance of precipitation all day. There were four or five bouts of sleet and several rain showers, and while the sun did make an appearance a couple of times, it was typically raining or sleeting too. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where you have to wipe the falling snow off your sunglasses.

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A Fulfilled Hope
God's goodness, hope God's goodness, hope

A Fulfilled Hope

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12

For nearly four years, the first part of that verse has rung true in my life. My heart has been sick. Wales consumed my thoughts, and I wanted nothing more than to be in that country and with those people. But there was a process that had to be followed, so for over three years, we traveled the United States, going to church after church to present our burden. And while the traveling was—well, shall we say exciting?—my heart ached. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to meet other people. It wasn’t that I was longing to leave my family. It’s just that the Lord had planted in my heart a love for the people of Wales, and as long as I was away from that country, I felt out of sorts.

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