The Salt That Lost Its Savor

The Salt That Lost Its Savor

After spending more than a year in Wales, I can attest that British fare is bland. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a certain charm in a plate of fish and chips or a cuppa with a biscuit, but if you're expecting an explosion of flavours, you’ll likely be disappointed. And don't even get me started on their idea of "spicy." It's like they glanced at a chilli pepper from across the room and decided to call it a day. (And I don’t even like spicy food!)

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Changing Lives With a Caring Heart
Reaching Out To Others, Inspiration Dana Rongione Reaching Out To Others, Inspiration Dana Rongione

Changing Lives With a Caring Heart

Today, I want to share with you an incredible story of how an unnamed servant girl made a significant impact on the life of Anne Sullivan, the beloved teacher of Helen Keller. This unsung hero reminds us that even in our ordinary lives, we have the power to change the world through acts of kindness and compassion. So grab a cup of coffee (or herbal tea, if you’re like me), and let's dive into this inspiring tale!

Picture this: Tewksbury Almshouse, a place where life was far from rosy. In the midst of this challenging environment, a young Anne Sullivan struggled with her own vision impairment and the harsh realities of her surroundings. But amid the difficulties, an extraordinary bond formed between Anne and an unnamed servant girl.

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How Do You Deal With Life’s Interruptions?

How Do You Deal With Life’s Interruptions?

I stared at the question on my computer screen and laughed out loud. Since I sat down to prepare for my Bible study lesson, I have had numerous phone calls, text messages, and other disturbances. How do I deal with interruptions? If my growing annoyance and frustration with others are any indication, not very well, it would seem.

How about you? How do you handle rained-out picnics, canceled vacations due to family illness, or guests showing up on your one quiet night, surprising you with their impromptu visit and expectations of dinner? How do you react when the dog doesn’t quit barking, the kids won’t quit fighting, the boss won’t quit complaining, and the world around you won’t stop asking for more of you?

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The Truth and Nothing But the Truth (Repost)

The Truth and Nothing But the Truth (Repost)

Have you ever felt alone? Do you feel like no one gets you? Like others don’t or can’t understand what you’re feeling or going through? I’m amazed at how many of us—though surrounded by family and friends—feel alone in our daily struggles and spiritual battles. As I read in my morning devotional, I realized why so many of us are keeping our deep hurts to ourselves and trying to face them alone.

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Follow After Peace
peace, Relationships, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione peace, Relationships, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione

Follow After Peace

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and the things wherewith one may edify another. - Romans 14:19

Sometimes we have to say no to what we want for the greater good of a brother or sister in Christ or even for the furtherance of the ministry. In this passage of scripture, the object was meat—whether it was good or bad, lawful or not. In our situation, the issue may not revolve around food, but there may be other Christian liberties that need to be set aside for the sake of peace.

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Are You Doing Your Part?
church growth, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione church growth, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione

Are You Doing Your Part?

For the past few weeks, I’ve been studying the book of Nehemiah again. I love that little book of the Bible. There is so much meat in there, and it seems like every time I read it, I see things from a different perspective.

The first time I dove into Nehemiah, I saw the correlation between the building of the wall and the battle against anxiety and depression. I uncovered so many nuggets of wisdom during the study that I wrote a four-book series entitled, Rise Up and Build.

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Stray Sheep
Reaching Out To Others, Encouragement Dana Rongione Reaching Out To Others, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Stray Sheep

Now that we’re finally settled and getting into somewhat of a routine, I’ve been able to resume my daily prayer walks. Each morning, I put on my walking shoes and head to one of two roads to begin my stroll. Both roads are quiet and offer me beautiful mountain views, lots of ups and downs, and sheep pastures as far as the eye can see. I meander along--deep in prayer--for anywhere from three to five miles, depending on the weather, my current health, and how much I have to say to the Lord. It’s a wonderful time to improve my physical and spiritual health (not to mention it does a lot for my emotions).

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