Follow After Peace

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and the things wherewith one may edify another. - Romans 14:19

Sometimes we have to say no to what we want for the greater good of a brother or sister in Christ or even for the furtherance of the ministry. In this passage of scripture, the object was meat—whether it was good or bad, lawful or not.  In our situation, the issue may not revolve around food, but there may be other Christian liberties that need to be set aside for the sake of peace.

Let’s face it, any time we’re working with other people, there will be disagreements.  No two people will see eye to eye all the time.  Conflicts arise even between the most easy-going laborers.  And just because two individuals or groups of people have the same goal, that doesn’t mean they have the same ideas about how to reach that goal.  In situations like this, compromise is essential, which means both parties need to be willing to give a little for the sake of the furtherance of their mission.

Are we following after the things that make for peace? Are we willing to give up some things that we want or like for the sake of a brother or sister or for the sake of the ministry?  I’m not talking about compromising our beliefs or doctrines but rather our opinions on how and why things should be done a particular way.  After all, edifying one another and accomplishing those things God has called us to do are far more important than having everything done our way and on our schedule.

For control freaks like me, this is a hard pill to swallow, but God never said this life would be easy.  He did, however, say He would be our strength and would guide us in the way we should go.  Let’s follow after God, and in doing so, follow after peace and those things that will help and encourage those around us.


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