Making Our Story Count

Making Our Story Count

For we spend our years as a tale that is told. - Psalm 90:9

As we wrap up our series on "Once Upon a Time," we've discovered that real life has both similarities and differences to fairy tales. We've explored how God writes better stories than the Grimm Brothers and how our struggles aren't always resolved with a wave of a magic wand. But today, let's focus on making our life story worth telling. After all, according to our verse, we spend our years as a tale that is told. The question is, what kind of tale are we telling?

Like any good story, our lives have a beginning, middle, and end. But unlike fictional tales, we're writing ours in real time, and we don't get to edit the previous chapters. So, how do we ensure our story is worth telling?

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Reshaped, Not Replaced
Comfort, Encouragement, Inspiration Dana Rongione Comfort, Encouragement, Inspiration Dana Rongione

Reshaped, Not Replaced

My husband is quite the handyman. Give him a problem to solve or something to build, and he'll figure out a way to make it happen. So, when he decided to build his own sound system a few months ago, I wasn't surprised. What did surprise me was how much time and effort went into the planning stages.

For weeks, Jason pored over diagrams, measurements, and parts lists. He watched countless YouTube videos about speaker building and sound quality. When he finally had all his supplies, he commandeered the dining room and a portion of the living room (much to my dismay) and began the painstaking process of putting everything together.

At first, he was thrilled with his accomplishment. The speakers looked professional, and they worked—sort of. But it didn't take long before his excitement waned.

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Avoiding Spiritual Nose Dives
Spiritual Growth, Inspiration Dana Rongione Spiritual Growth, Inspiration Dana Rongione

Avoiding Spiritual Nose Dives

You'll never believe the silly bird antics I witnessed at our backyard feeder yesterday. I'm still chuckling over this one!

So there I was, heading outside to check if spring had finally sprung, when I spotted this large starling stuck head-first inside the birdfeeder. Somehow, he had wedged his plump body through the tiny opening at the top and gotten stuck. Yup, rather than just pecking at the food from the sides like the other birds, old chunky cheeks got the brilliant idea to nose-dive straight in after a snack!

I did a double take at the bird standing on its head as the poor thing flailed around, feathers flying, trying in vain to work himself back out. His scrawny tail feathers kept getting caught on the feeder’s lip every time he backed up. You could tell the foolish bird had absolutely no plan for extracting himself from that self-imposed trap.

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Changing Lives With a Caring Heart
Reaching Out To Others, Inspiration Dana Rongione Reaching Out To Others, Inspiration Dana Rongione

Changing Lives With a Caring Heart

Today, I want to share with you an incredible story of how an unnamed servant girl made a significant impact on the life of Anne Sullivan, the beloved teacher of Helen Keller. This unsung hero reminds us that even in our ordinary lives, we have the power to change the world through acts of kindness and compassion. So grab a cup of coffee (or herbal tea, if you’re like me), and let's dive into this inspiring tale!

Picture this: Tewksbury Almshouse, a place where life was far from rosy. In the midst of this challenging environment, a young Anne Sullivan struggled with her own vision impairment and the harsh realities of her surroundings. But amid the difficulties, an extraordinary bond formed between Anne and an unnamed servant girl.

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