A Tale of Two Miracles, Part Five
Join us on this thrilling Bible study journey as we dive into the powerful accounts of not one, but TWO incredible miracles found in Mark 5:21-43! 📖✨
In this captivating passage, we'll witness the extraordinary faith of Jairus, a desperate father seeking healing for his dying daughter. At the same time, we'll be amazed by the unwavering faith of a courageous woman who reaches out to touch Jesus' garment, believing she will be healed.

A Tale of Two Miracles, Part Four
Join us on this thrilling Bible study journey as we dive into the powerful accounts of not one, but TWO incredible miracles found in Mark 5:21-43! 📖✨
In this captivating passage, we'll witness the extraordinary faith of Jairus, a desperate father seeking healing for his dying daughter. At the same time, we'll be amazed by the unwavering faith of a courageous woman who reaches out to touch Jesus' garment, believing she will be healed.

A Tale of Two Miracles, Part Three
Join us on this thrilling Bible study journey as we dive into the powerful accounts of not one but TWO incredible miracles found in Mark 5:21-43! 📖✨
In this captivating passage, we'll witness the extraordinary faith of Jairus, a desperate father seeking healing for his dying daughter. At the same time, we'll be amazed by the unwavering faith of a courageous woman who reaches out to touch Jesus' garment, believing she will be healed.

Prisoners of Hope, Part Two
Witness the power of worship even in the midst of darkness and despair. Explore the significance of Paul and Silas singing praises to God while in chains and how their act of worship impacted not only their own spirits but also the other prisoners around them. Delve into the miraculous events that unfolded when an earthquake shook the prison, causing chains to fall off and doors to open. Reflect on the unexpected response of not only Paul and Silas but also the other prisoners, as they chose to stay despite the opportunity to escape.

Prisoners of Hope, Part One
Join me in this inspiring Bible study as we delve into the captivating story of Paul and Silas from the book of Acts in the New Testament. Despite facing adversity and false accusations, Paul and Silas remained steadfast in their faith, demonstrating unwavering trust in God. Discover the lessons and insights we can uncover through a close examination of Acts 16:16-34. Gain a deeper understanding of God's faithfulness and the power of forgiveness in the face of betrayal. Be encouraged as you witness how God intervened in miraculous ways, bringing salvation and deliverance to those who put their trust in Him. Don't miss this thought-provoking and faith-building study that reveals God's unique and remarkable plans for His children.

How Do You Deal With Life’s Interruptions?
I stared at the question on my computer screen and laughed out loud. Since I sat down to prepare for my Bible study lesson, I have had numerous phone calls, text messages, and other disturbances. How do I deal with interruptions? If my growing annoyance and frustration with others are any indication, not very well, it would seem.
How about you? How do you handle rained-out picnics, canceled vacations due to family illness, or guests showing up on your one quiet night, surprising you with their impromptu visit and expectations of dinner? How do you react when the dog doesn’t quit barking, the kids won’t quit fighting, the boss won’t quit complaining, and the world around you won’t stop asking for more of you?

Don’t Despise the Small Things, Part Two
Today, we’ll pick back up on the second part of our study on Don’t Despise the Small Things. If you missed the first part of our study, you can go back and view it here. Initially, we talked about how one little act of generosity impacted thousands. Today, we’ll look at how one small act of hospitality saved lives and strengthened a prophet of the Lord, who could then continue his ministry. I hope you’ll enjoy it and be reminded that nothing you do for the Lord is too small. As the old hymn says, “Little is much when God is in it.”

No Sign of Hurt
Over the weekend, Jason and a couple of friends tackled the much-needed yard work at our house. They cut the grass, trimmed the weeds, and cut back the hedges. We have a long line of hedges that run the length of our house and are filled with nasty briers. Taming them was no easy task. When they were done, Jason came inside, and I immediately noticed the many scratches and scrapes all over his arms, legs, and stomach. In just a few hours, my poor hubby looked like he'd gone head-to-head with a porcupine in a cactus. . .and lost.