On Guard!
Have you ever ordered something online only to receive a product that was completely different from what you expected? Well, that recently happened to me.
I had ordered a supplement from eBay, a product I've purchased many times before from various sellers. But when the order arrived, I was immediately concerned. None of the bottles were sealed, which I knew was odd because I’ve always received sealed bottles.
Looking at the product more closely, I began to notice many strange things. The logo was a bit off, and there were typos on the label. The pills themselves were a different size and much less full than usual. Feeling unsure about what was actually in these supplements, I contacted the seller for a refund.

Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head
I recently heard a quote that instantly resonated with me: "If it's out of your hands, get it out of your head." How often do we stress over things completely out of our control? Whether it's a situation at work, a disagreement with a loved one, or a global pandemic, there are just some things that we can't change.
But here's the thing: worrying about those things doesn't do us any good. In fact, it makes us feel worse. When we focus on the negative, it can be hard to see the positive. We can become consumed by our anxiety and anger, and it can be challenging to break free from those feelings.
So what's the solution? The best way to push those negative thoughts from our minds is to cram our minds so full of positive thoughts that there's no room left for negativity.