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On Guard!

On Guard!

Have you ever ordered something online only to receive a product that was completely different from what you expected? Well, that recently happened to me.

I had ordered a supplement from eBay, a product I've purchased many times before from various sellers. But when the order arrived, I was immediately concerned. None of the bottles were sealed, which I knew was odd because I’ve always received sealed bottles.

Looking at the product more closely, I began to notice many strange things. The logo was a bit off, and there were typos on the label. The pills themselves were a different size and much less full than usual. Feeling unsure about what was actually in these supplements, I contacted the seller for a refund.

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What Were You Thinking?

What Were You Thinking?

During my devotion time this morning, I had an “aha” moment while reading another familiar passage. I’ve been making it a practice to stop and think about every word in each verse instead of just getting the gist of the verse. This has opened my eyes to many things, and this morning was no different.

Do all things without murmurings and disputings: - Philippians 2:14

In the past, when I read this verse, I summed it up like this: do everything without complaining—a command which is far more difficult to obey than it appears at first glance. However, as I broke the verse down into individual words this morning, I had to ask, What’s the difference between murmuring and disputing?

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