Houdini Strikes Again

We've finally had some nice weather here in Wales, and Tess and I have been taking full advantage of it. We were outside enjoying the sunshine the other day when I heard a soft whimper. I looked up to see Tess standing on the opposite side of the fence, crying to get back in. Despite our best efforts to secure the fencing, that little booger had found a way out again!

Honestly,  I was frustrated with her. She knows she's not supposed to go outside the fence, yet she continues finding ways to escape. But as I watched her standing there, whimpering and looking at me with those big, brown eyes, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of compassion.

Tess had been so focused on getting out of the yard that she didn't stop to think about what she would do once she was out. She had been so intent on exploring the world beyond the fence that she didn't realize that what she truly wanted was to be back in the yard with her mommy.

Isn't that just like us sometimes? We get so caught up in pursuing something that we forget what we truly want. We chase after things that we think will make us happy, only to realize that what we really want is to be close to God.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man finds it, he sells everything he has to buy that field. In other words, he gives up everything to gain the treasure.

That's what we need to do in our own lives. We need to give up the things that are holding us back from being close to God. We must let go of our pride, selfishness, and desire for control. We need to surrender ourselves to Him and trust He knows what's best for us.

So, if you're feeling lost right now, take a moment to reflect on what you truly want. Is it that promotion at work? That new car? That relationship? Or is it something deeper? Is it a closer relationship with God?

If it's the latter, I encourage you to step back and reevaluate your priorities. Don't be like Tess, who was so focused on getting out of the yard that she forgot what she truly wanted. Instead, be like the man in Matthew who gave up everything to gain the treasure.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. - Matthew 6:33


Looking Up When Life Weighs You Down


Journey Through the Middle