Foreground Faith
Faith, Spiritual Growth, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione Faith, Spiritual Growth, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione

Foreground Faith

Today, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my favorite design software, Canva. I've been a Canva fan for years now, using it for everything in my writing ministry—from creating images for my blog and social media posts to designing videos and even book covers. Since becoming a missionary, it's become even more invaluable, helping me make everything from business cards to banners.

One of my favorite features is called "Position." This handy tool lets me shuffle elements between the foreground and background of my projects. It's like having a magical switch that lets me focus on one part of my design at a time.

Need to spotlight a particular element? No problem! Just a few clicks, and I can push less important bits to the background, like tucking away clutter behind a curtain. And when I'm ready to bring them back? Presto! They're right where I left them, waiting for their turn to shine.

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Houdini Strikes Again
Dog Devotions Dana Rongione Dog Devotions Dana Rongione

Houdini Strikes Again

We've finally had some nice weather here in Wales, and Tess and I have been taking full advantage of it. We were outside enjoying the sunshine the other day when I heard a soft whimper. I looked up to see Tess standing on the opposite side of the fence, crying to get back in. Despite our best efforts to secure the fencing, that little booger had found a way out again!

Honestly, I was frustrated with her. She knows she's not supposed to go outside the fence, yet she continues finding ways to escape. But as I watched her standing there, whimpering and looking at me with those big, brown eyes, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of compassion.

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Avoiding Spiritual Nose Dives
Spiritual Growth, Inspiration Dana Rongione Spiritual Growth, Inspiration Dana Rongione

Avoiding Spiritual Nose Dives

You'll never believe the silly bird antics I witnessed at our backyard feeder yesterday. I'm still chuckling over this one!

So there I was, heading outside to check if spring had finally sprung, when I spotted this large starling stuck head-first inside the birdfeeder. Somehow, he had wedged his plump body through the tiny opening at the top and gotten stuck. Yup, rather than just pecking at the food from the sides like the other birds, old chunky cheeks got the brilliant idea to nose-dive straight in after a snack!

I did a double take at the bird standing on its head as the poor thing flailed around, feathers flying, trying in vain to work himself back out. His scrawny tail feathers kept getting caught on the feeder’s lip every time he backed up. You could tell the foolish bird had absolutely no plan for extracting himself from that self-imposed trap.

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