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Nature Versus Nurture
Dog Devotions, Thoughts Dana Rongione Dog Devotions, Thoughts Dana Rongione

Nature Versus Nurture

Tess is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She has a heart of gold and loves nothing more than being around people.

But there's one thing about Tess that never fails to amaze me. Despite her sweet and tender nature, she's still a terrier through and through. You see, terriers are bred to hunt small animals, and Tess is no exception. When we're out on a walk, and she catches a whiff of a mole in the bushes, it's like a switch flips. She'll dart off into the underbrush, and before I know it, she's got that mole in her mouth, giving it a couple of violent shakes before tossing it back into the bushes.

Let me tell you, it's a scary sight to behold. But Tess is a terrier. Hunting is in her nature. It's who she is. And just like Tess, we Christians have an innate quality that we can't eliminate, no matter how hard we try.

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Houdini Strikes Again
Dog Devotions Dana Rongione Dog Devotions Dana Rongione

Houdini Strikes Again

We've finally had some nice weather here in Wales, and Tess and I have been taking full advantage of it. We were outside enjoying the sunshine the other day when I heard a soft whimper. I looked up to see Tess standing on the opposite side of the fence, crying to get back in. Despite our best efforts to secure the fencing, that little booger had found a way out again!

Honestly, I was frustrated with her. She knows she's not supposed to go outside the fence, yet she continues finding ways to escape. But as I watched her standing there, whimpering and looking at me with those big, brown eyes, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of compassion.

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Chasing Peas
peace, Dog Devotions Dana Rongione peace, Dog Devotions Dana Rongione

Chasing Peas

Remember the vegetable soup I told you about the other day? Well, it turns out, after smelling the soup cooking all day, our precious pup, Tess, decided she wanted to partake of it as well. She paced around the kitchen, staring at the crockpot and sniffing the air.

Being the softie I am, I scooped out a spoonful of soup and set it aside to cool. Once it was cooled down, I poured it over a scoop of dry food into her bowl.

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God Just Keeps Giving
Dana Rongione Dana Rongione

God Just Keeps Giving

We have a new addition to our family. She is a five-year-old Lakeland/Patterdale Terrier mix. She weighs about 15 pounds and is as laid back as any dog I’ve ever met. She is precious, and we love her to pieces already. Please welcome Tess.

We knew we wanted to get a dog again after settling into our new home and new lives. We had just started to study the process of adopting a dog and readying our house for a new addition. We hadn’t counted on coming across this particular dog at this specific time.

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