Oh, Oh, Oh, Green Giant
As part of my devotional time this morning, I read an inspiring blog post about how to stop comparing ourselves with others and live the life God designed us to live. This is an area I struggle with regularly as I always feel I’m falling behind or missing the mark in various areas of my life.
Evidently, my battle with envy is even more severe than I thought because as I read this dear Christian woman’s blog, I felt myself turning green.

Mismatched Pieces
A few days ago, Jason pulled a pair of socks out of his drawer. As he unrolled the socks, he immediately noticed an issue—they weren’t the same. I know we’ve all mismatched a blue and black sock or two socks of the same color, but that was not the case here. No, these two socks were as different as could be. One was a medium-weight black crew sock; the other was a heavy-weight tan, tall sock. They weren’t the same color, length, style, or weight. Yet, somehow, I had paired the two together and placed them in his drawer. Wow! Just wow!

Camping Out With the Giant
Picture the scene, if you will. Two great armies. Israel on one hill; the Philistines on the other. In the valley between stands a giant. Mean. Tough. And, ugly, I would assume, but the Bible doesn’t say one way or another. What the Scriptures do make evident, however, is that Goliath was a bully. He was bigger than everyone else, and he knew it. So, acting on behalf of his nation, he sets forth a challenge: Israel could send out their best champion to fight Goliath. If Israel’s champion won, they would be the victors and vice versa. Challenge extended.

Comparing, Complaining, or Content?
No matter where you live or what stage of life you’re in, we all have to make a daily (and sometimes moment-to-moment) choice about our attitudes. Yes, as difficult as it is to believe and admit, we can—and do—choose our attitudes. We put them on just as we would a warm coat or a pair of socks. Sometimes we do it without even thinking, but we do it just the same.