Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Tess is undeniably adorable, but she's got a bit of a disobedience problem. She can't resist the urge to find a way out of our yard and into the sheep pasture behind us. Despite our best efforts to contain her, our mutt just can't help herself. Sound familiar? Observing Tess's behavior can give us valuable insights and lessons from a biblical perspective.
First and foremost, Tess's antics remind me of our human tendencies to wander from God's plan for our lives. Just like my pup can't resist the allure of exploring beyond her boundaries, we often find ourselves tempted by worldly distractions that lead us astray from God's intended path.

I’ll Go But Only If You Go With Me
Even though Tess was five years old when we got her, she wasn’t house-trained. She had spent much of her life in a kennel, so it took some training to help her realize the house was not a toilet.
All in all, she’s done well, and to make things easier, we installed a doggie door, so she could let herself out when she needed to go. We were hopeful there would be no more incidents in the house, but one thing we failed to consider is how much our pup hates inclement weather.

The Valley of Distraction
Typically, walking with Tess is a piece of cake. She doesn’t pull on the leash. She minds well when I tell her to leave something alone. In general, she’s very chill. This morning’s walk, however, offered several more challenges to tempt and distract my well-mannered terrier.
The first distraction came from the stinky leakage left behind by the trash trucks. I don’t know what the appeal is, but I haven’t had a single dog that could pass by without wanting to roll around in that nasty goop. Gross!