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Man Plans; God Directs
Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione

Man Plans; God Directs

Eager to hit the hiking trails last week, Jason and I checked the forecast for the best day. Friday showed sun, while Saturday predicted snow, so Friday it was!

After breakfast on Friday morning, we were greeted by rain showers mixed with fat snowflakes instead of sunshine. "No problem," we shrugged. “It’s Wales! Wet weather is just part of the charm. Besides, as usual, the rain will likely come and go in short bursts.” You can probably guess where this is headed.

Despite the continuing wintry mix, we stuck with Plan A, trudging up muddy slopes in worsening snow and sleet for hours. Slipping in sodden boots with freezing fingers, I muttered, “Maybe we should've waited till tomorrow." By the time we stumbled back to the car, I was as drenched and weary.

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The “Souper” Secret Ingredient
waiting Dana Rongione waiting Dana Rongione

The “Souper” Secret Ingredient

On Thursday evening, we had some friends over to celebrate our one-year anniversary in Wales and also to plan out our events for the upcoming year. I decided to make my vegetable beef soup in the crockpot even though that was the meal I prepared for them the last time they were over. They enjoyed it enough the previous time that they had asked for the recipe.

As we enjoyed the hot soup Thursday, our friends confessed that they had tried to replicate it themselves, but theirs wasn’t as good. I told them the lesson my dad had taught me long ago. When making soups or chilis, the secret ingredient is time.

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Why Is Waiting So Hard?
waiting, Patience, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione waiting, Patience, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione

Why Is Waiting So Hard?

After having Tess for a couple of weeks and giving her time to get acclimated to her new environment, we began some basic training with her. The first step was to teach her to sit. It took a few days, but now, she has that one down pat to the point she does it before we ask her to.

The second step hasn’t been quite as successful. She’s getting there, but like me, the girl has a hard time waiting. We’re teaching her to sit and wait until we give her the okay before rushing after her food, kong, or toys. She’ll sit, but the waiting is still a work in progress.

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