The Lord's Timing -- A Repost

Do you ever find yourself questioning the Lord's timing? I do! But, Lord, we need the money NOW. We need the answers NOW. We need your healing NOW.

While reading Surprise Endings by Ron Mehl, I was reminded that God's timing (while it may not be my timing) is best. Read what he has to say about it.

He knows what we need, and comes to provide it at just the right time--His time. Remember, however, that His time may be before, during, or after our long and difficult day: 1) He told Noah that is would rain long before it did. 2) The Lord chose to come to the three Hebrew children (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) right in the middle of their encounter with the furnace. 3) Finally, He chose to come to Mary and Martha after the death of Lazarus. Whether it's before, after, or during our trouble, the point is, don't worry. . . He will come.

What a blessed reminder! God will pass by at the right time. God will meet our needs in His time. Our only job is to trust, then stand back and watch a miracle.

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. - Psalm 27:14


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Could You Rephrase the Question? -- A Repost