More Than Meets the Eye
I had to chuckle yesterday at the amusing scene I encountered during my morning walk. As I passed by a nearby farm, I noticed a farmer walking along the perimeter of his sheep pasture, stopping at intervals to inspect the wooden fence posts. In his gloved hands, he carried a bucket filled with tools and supplies for repairing any loose posts or gaps in the wire fencing.
But the funny part was the flock of sheep persistently trailing him! As he made his way slowly around the pasture, those woolly creatures walked right along behind him, from post to post. I couldn’t help but laugh as the farmer tried shooing the sheep away several times, only to have them return moments later to resume their woolly procession.

Never Too Late for Miracles
Grab a cosy seat because today, we're diving into a story about hope and our Saviour's incredible power. We're cracking open the pages of John 11 to uncover a moment that speaks right to the core of our hearts —a time when it seemed all hope was lost, but Jesus showed us that even in the eleventh hour, miracles are still possible.
John 11 tells us that Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus, had fallen seriously ill. His sisters, Mary and Martha, were understandably distraught and sent word to Jesus, hoping He'd come quickly to heal their brother. Oddly enough, Jesus didn't rush to their aid but remained where he was for another two days.

Finding Hope and Blessings in God’s Timing
Waiting can be a real test of patience, especially in our fast-paced world where everything seems to be just a click away. But you know what they say - good things come to those who wait. And trust me, God knows how to make us wait.
Think about it - we live in a culture of instant gratification. We want our fast food, our express checkout lanes, and our next-day Amazon deliveries. Waiting is not exactly our strong suit. Yet, time and again, the Lord puts us in the waiting room of life. It's like He's saying, "Hold up, my child. I've got something better for you, but you'll have to wait a bit."

Why Is Waiting So Hard?
After having Tess for a couple of weeks and giving her time to get acclimated to her new environment, we began some basic training with her. The first step was to teach her to sit. It took a few days, but now, she has that one down pat to the point she does it before we ask her to.
The second step hasn’t been quite as successful. She’s getting there, but like me, the girl has a hard time waiting. We’re teaching her to sit and wait until we give her the okay before rushing after her food, kong, or toys. She’ll sit, but the waiting is still a work in progress.