The Illusion of Greener Pastures

The Illusion of Greener Pastures

Have you ever driven by a sheep farm and seen those silly sheep with their heads stuck through the fence, munching away at the grass on the other side? I see it all the time here in Wales, and it always makes me chuckle. I mean, come on, sheep! The grass is the same on your side of the fence. But for some reason, the stuff just out of reach always seems greener, doesn't it?

As humans, we're not that different from those woolly creatures, are we? We've got this bad habit of ignoring the blessings right in front of us and instead reaching for things that are out of our grasp. We're never quite satisfied with what we have.

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More Than Meets the Eye

More Than Meets the Eye

I had to chuckle yesterday at the amusing scene I encountered during my morning walk. As I passed by a nearby farm, I noticed a farmer walking along the perimeter of his sheep pasture, stopping at intervals to inspect the wooden fence posts. In his gloved hands, he carried a bucket filled with tools and supplies for repairing any loose posts or gaps in the wire fencing.

But the funny part was the flock of sheep persistently trailing him! As he made his way slowly around the pasture, those woolly creatures walked right along behind him, from post to post. I couldn’t help but laugh as the farmer tried shooing the sheep away several times, only to have them return moments later to resume their woolly procession.

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Where Did She Go?
Life's Journey Life's Journey

Where Did She Go?

Lambing season is coming to an end here on the farm, and there are currently over 500 little lambs frolicking around in the fields. Each day as I go out for my prayer walk, I’m amazed by the diversity all around me. One type of sheep has thicker and longer wool than others. Some have long tails like a dog. Some sheep are white, while others are black or brown. There are even some around here that are white with black markings on their faces, making it appear as if they are wearing masks.

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