Where Did She Go?

Lambing season is coming to an end here on the farm, and there are currently over 500 little lambs frolicking around in the fields. Each day as I go out for my prayer walk, I’m amazed by the diversity all around me. One type of sheep has thicker and longer wool than others. Some have long tails like a dog. Some sheep are white, while others are black or brown. There are even some around here that are white with black markings on their faces, making it appear as if they are wearing masks.

The variety among the sheep is astounding, but what blows my mind is how different a baby can look from its mama. For example, one of the brown sheep on the farm had twins. One of them was as white as snow, and the other was as black as midnight. Some of the brown sheep have white lambs, while some of the white sheep have brown lambs. Another ewe had twins—one of which was a regular-sized lamb while the other was itty bitty.

But what really throws me off is this one little brown lamb. (BTW, I’ve discovered the brown ones are my favorites. They are so adorable!). Anyway, this one lamb looks so much like his mama that it’s difficult to spot him when the two are standing together. He can be nursing, and at first, all you see is the ewe. But, if you look closely, you can spot the little lamb. . . most of the time. Honestly, there have been times I knew the lamb was there, but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t figure out where he stopped and his mama started and vice versa.

The more I thought about that, the more I wondered what it would be like if people couldn’t tell where I stopped and my Heavenly Father began and vice versa. How great would it be if I looked so much like Jesus that people couldn’t spot me for Him? I can’t think of anything better in this world. Can you? 

“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

— Romans 8:29


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