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Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head
Rise Up and Build, Thoughts, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione Rise Up and Build, Thoughts, Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione

Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head

I recently heard a quote that instantly resonated with me: "If it's out of your hands, get it out of your head." How often do we stress over things completely out of our control? Whether it's a situation at work, a disagreement with a loved one, or a global pandemic, there are just some things that we can't change.

But here's the thing: worrying about those things doesn't do us any good. In fact, it makes us feel worse. When we focus on the negative, it can be hard to see the positive. We can become consumed by our anxiety and anger, and it can be challenging to break free from those feelings.

So what's the solution? The best way to push those negative thoughts from our minds is to cram our minds so full of positive thoughts that there's no room left for negativity.

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From “If Only” to “Thank You”
Gratitude, Positive Life Dana Rongione Gratitude, Positive Life Dana Rongione

From “If Only” to “Thank You”

Have you ever caught yourself saying, "If only I had done this" or "If only I had said that"? I know I have. It's easy to get caught up in the "if only" game, especially when facing a difficult situation or looking back on a mistake we've made.

But here's the thing about "if only”—it's a trap. It keeps us stuck in the past, dwelling on what could have been instead of focusing on what is. And it can rob us of the joy and peace God wants us to have in the present.

That's why I'm trying to replace "if only" with two different words: “Thank you.” Instead of dwelling on what could have been, I'm choosing to be thankful for what is. And I'm finding that it makes all the difference.

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Reframing Our Focus

Reframing Our Focus

I remember the time I found the perfect frame for my favourite nature photo. After trying many options, none quite worked. Some drew attention away from the picture with their ornate carvings or flashy colours. Others clashed with the cool tones of the image. I was about to give up my search when I stumbled upon a simple maple frame. Its neutral tone balanced the blues and greens of the photo scene beautifully. That frame drew out the picture's splendour.

Just as a frame can complement an image, our perspective can impact our lives. As Proverbs 23:7 declares, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." The right outlook enhances our circumstances like a flattering frame compliments artwork.

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From Silence to Symphony
praise, Gratitude Dana Rongione praise, Gratitude Dana Rongione

From Silence to Symphony

For authors like me, book reviews and word of mouth are the building blocks to success both for the author and the books they write. It is beyond discouraging when my best work is lost in the sea of worthless dribble and harmful lies that somehow still make it to the top of the bestseller charts. Meanwhile, my books sit so far down the ranking that no one could find them if they tried. All those long nights working, all that sweat and inspiration are gone with no recognition from anyone. Many writers know this feeling, the soul-consuming emptiness of unappreciated hard work. (Cue heavy sigh and heartfelt sob!)

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God’s Rescuing Hand

God’s Rescuing Hand

Last week, we received a long-awaited response from the UK government concerning the appeal set forth by our sponsors. The news wasn't good. The request was denied, and our sponsors' license was revoked. What does this mean for us? From the time of that decision, we have 60 days to set up a new sponsorship and get a new visa or leave the country. You know those rollercoaster rides at amusement parks? Yep, that's exactly how our emotions have been taking us for a spin lately. Anxiety, stress, and frustration have been our not-so-friendly companions during this journey.

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