Resolution Revolution
surrender Dana Rongione surrender Dana Rongione

Resolution Revolution

I used to be the queen of New Year's resolutions. You name it, I resolved it: exercise more, eat less chocolate (though why anyone would want to do that is beyond me), read through the Bible in a year, and keep a cleaner house. The list went on and on. But come February, those resolutions were nothing more than guilt-inducing reminders of my failures scribbled in my journal.

Recently, when someone asked if I still made New Year's resolutions, I had to chuckle. "No," I replied, "I've given up on giving up things." The irony wasn't lost on either of us.

But here's what I've discovered in my journey away from resolution-making: God isn't interested in our annual goal-setting nearly as much as He's interested in our daily surrender.

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Who’s the Fixer?
pride, surrender, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione pride, surrender, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione

Who’s the Fixer?

Picture this: You're in the midst of a hurricane of chaos, trying to control everything around you like a weathered ship's captain steering through a storm. You've got your hands full, attempting to "fix" your circumstances, mend broken relationships, and even "improve" people to meet your ideal standards. You've got a toolkit brimming with solutions, and you're determined to use it, no matter the cost!

But wait just a second. Before you envision yourself as a one-person repair crew, let's chat about the power of relinquishing control and acknowledging what isn't our job.

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