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Starting Your Day in Tune With God

Starting Your Day in Tune With God

Rise and shine, my friends! A brand new day awaits, brimming with promise and potential. Now, before we hurry off to tackle that to-do list, let's pause to tune our instrument, shall we? After all, as Hudson Taylor said, “Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.”

Have you ever arrived at a concert early and been privy to the pre-concert tune-up? Honestly, it makes my eyes twitch and my head ache. Each musician is busily tuning his/her instrument, seemingly oblivious to all the other “noise” around them. There are squeaks and scrapes. In short, it’s a hideous sound. But as Taylor’s quotes remind us, it’s a necessary one.

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Morning Time With the Master

Morning Time With the Master

Can you believe another new year has begun? Where did the time go? As the holiday hustle and bustle ramps up, it's hard to believe 2024 has arrived. Fortunately, with the new year comes many new opportunities.

As many of you know, I'm excited to launch my new line of monthly planners and journals accompanying my Optimize Your Day program! I designed them to be uplifting and practical, helping you organize your days while keeping your eyes on Jesus. I'll share more about them in a minute.

But today, I want to discuss an even more important topic than planners and journals—beginning each day with the Lord.

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