Who’s the Fixer?
pride, surrender, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione pride, surrender, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione

Who’s the Fixer?

Picture this: You're in the midst of a hurricane of chaos, trying to control everything around you like a weathered ship's captain steering through a storm. You've got your hands full, attempting to "fix" your circumstances, mend broken relationships, and even "improve" people to meet your ideal standards. You've got a toolkit brimming with solutions, and you're determined to use it, no matter the cost!

But wait just a second. Before you envision yourself as a one-person repair crew, let's chat about the power of relinquishing control and acknowledging what isn't our job.

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The Power of Stillness to Refresh and Transform
Rest, Peace, Comfort Dana Rongione Rest, Peace, Comfort Dana Rongione

The Power of Stillness to Refresh and Transform

Ah, the joys of automated technology and its misinterpretations! It never fails to surprise us with its unintentional comedy. The other day, I received a call on the automated announcement line from our beloved home church in South Carolina. Unfortunately, I missed the ring, and it went straight to voicemail. When I checked the message later, I laughed out loud. The visual voicemail system decided to have a little fun and mixed up "choir practice" with "quiet practice." Oh, the wonders of technology!

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