No River Too Wide
Have you ever felt like the obstacles in your life were just too big to overcome? Like the river was overflowing its banks, and there was no way to cross? I know I have. In fact, I was just thinking about that the other day as I was reading through 1 Chronicles 12.
In this chapter, we read about the Gadites, a group of warriors who came to fight for David. Now, these guys were no strangers to battle. They were "men of might, and men of war fit for the battle" (1 Chronicles 12:8). But when they arrived at the Jordan, they found that the river was overflowing its banks. In the days of Joshua, the river had parted, and the Israelites had crossed on dry ground. But this time, there was no dry ground to be found.

Walking With Jesus Through Life's Storms, Part 6
As we navigate the storms of life, it's essential to remember that just because we face trials doesn't mean we're out of God's will. The disciples were exactly where Jesus had commanded them to be, yet they encountered a tempestuous sea.
The story also highlights the significance of trusting God's character and promises when we can't see Him working. Often, Jesus operates behind the scenes, diligently working all things for our good and His glory.

Walking With Jesus Through Life's Storms, Part 5
Peter, displaying extraordinary faith, steps out of the boat in the midst of a raging storm and starts walking toward Jesus. It's a powerful image of unwavering faith in the face of adversity. Peter's eyes are fixed on Jesus, and he advances fearlessly.
But then, something happens that often affects us, too. The storm distracts Peter. Just as we sometimes decide to trust God and stay focused on Him amidst life's trials, we get distracted when the storm intensifies, drags on, or when we're weary. It's a common human response to the challenges we face.

Walking With Jesus Through Life's Storms, Part 3
In those moments when life's storms seem unending, we may find ourselves questioning God's intentions. Is He being cruel? Has He forgotten about us? These are natural human responses when we're in the midst of a tempest. The disciples faced a similar struggle, and it's a reminder that we're not alone in our doubts and fears.
But here's the beautiful part: Just as Jesus walked on the water toward the disciples, He draws near to us in the midst of our storms. He wants to calm our hearts and assure us that we are not alone. He is there, even when we can't immediately recognize His presence.

Walking With Jesus Through Life's Storms, Part 2
Do you ever feel like every step forward can feel like taking three steps back? We've all been there, haven't we? We put in so much effort, yet it seems like we're getting nowhere.
In this episode, we'll dive deeper into the frustration, exhaustion, and fear the disciples faced in the midst of the storm. It's a universal experience that many of us can relate to, especially during challenging times. But remember, just as the disciples eventually reached the other side, so will we.

Walking With Jesus Through Life’s Storms, Part 1
We've all been there, haven't we? When life takes unexpected turns and throws us into a whirlwind of chaos, it's natural to question our path and God's plan. We sometimes doubt whether we're truly following His will or if we've gone astray.
Today, we delve into the story of the disciples, who, despite their obedience, found themselves caught in a storm. It's a reminder that trials are part of life, even for the faithful. We'll explore the truth that trouble is not exclusive to those who follow Jesus, and that's okay. In John 16:33, Jesus Himself said, "In this world, ye shall have tribulation," but He also promised, "but be of good cheer; for I have overcome the world."

Unveiling Our True Selves to God
In Exodus 34, we encounter a unique story about Moses. When he came down from Mount Sinai after speaking with God and getting the second set of tablets bearing the Ten Commandments, his face shone radiantly. This divine glow was a physical sign of his close communion with the Almighty. However, it frightened the Israelites, so Moses covered his face with a veil among the people.
And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone: and Moses put the vail upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him. - Exodus 34:35

What’s Going On Beneath the Surface?
Hey there, friends! Today, I've got a story to tell you, and it all started when the shower and internet went out simultaneously in our house. Yep, last week, our cosy home experienced a weird, isolated power outage. We had lights and electricity in most of the house, but the power shower (popular in the UK) and the outlet our router was plugged into went dead. Things were very interesting for several moments as Jason was using the shower and I was using the internet when they both suddenly quit. No fun!

Never Too Late for Miracles
Grab a cosy seat because today, we're diving into a story about hope and our Saviour's incredible power. We're cracking open the pages of John 11 to uncover a moment that speaks right to the core of our hearts —a time when it seemed all hope was lost, but Jesus showed us that even in the eleventh hour, miracles are still possible.
John 11 tells us that Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus, had fallen seriously ill. His sisters, Mary and Martha, were understandably distraught and sent word to Jesus, hoping He'd come quickly to heal their brother. Oddly enough, Jesus didn't rush to their aid but remained where he was for another two days.

Finding Hope and Blessings in God’s Timing
Waiting can be a real test of patience, especially in our fast-paced world where everything seems to be just a click away. But you know what they say - good things come to those who wait. And trust me, God knows how to make us wait.
Think about it - we live in a culture of instant gratification. We want our fast food, our express checkout lanes, and our next-day Amazon deliveries. Waiting is not exactly our strong suit. Yet, time and again, the Lord puts us in the waiting room of life. It's like He's saying, "Hold up, my child. I've got something better for you, but you'll have to wait a bit."