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Journey Through the Middle
Life's Journey, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Journey Through the Middle

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Like a hamster on the wheel, you’re going through the motions but not really making any progress. I’ve been there. In fact, I’m there right now, and it can be discouraging, to say the least. But here's the thing: Sometimes, being stuck in a rut is a necessary step toward where God wants us to be. Just look at the story of Joseph.

Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers and sold into slavery. He ended up in Potipher's house, where he was eventually falsely accused and thrown into prison. But even in prison, Joseph rose to the top. He became the keeper of the prison, overseeing all the other prisoners.

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Hungering for Peace
peace, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione peace, Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione

Hungering for Peace

I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of peas. Unfortunately, they are a staple here in Wales, as they are all over Great Britain. Yes, the main food groups in Wales are meat, potatoes, and peas. I'm fine with the first two, but I could do without the latter, especially when served in their "mushy" form. Yuck!

Why is it that peace often seems like a distant dream or fateful mishap, like a plateful of peas, when we were hoping for something more appetizing? Let's take a quick look at some of the reasons why peace can feel so elusive.

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The Blessing of Boundaries
Dog Devotions Dana Rongione Dog Devotions Dana Rongione

The Blessing of Boundaries

On Thursday, Tess had surgery to be spayed. It was a necessary procedure, and thankfully, everything went well. When we picked her up after the surgery, the vet gave us the post-op instructions, including a strict command that she was not allowed to run, jump, or display excited behavior in any way for the next ten to fourteen days. Yikes!

It’s only been a couple of days, and we’re struggling to get our precious pooch to understand why she’s suddenly not allowed to jump on the bed or the couch and why she can’t run around the yard. The only way we can keep her subdued is to stay still ourselves.

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