The Limitless Grace of God
Have you ever felt the pressure of limitations? In my writing world, it's all about word counts. Many software programs I use offer a specific number of words for a set monthly charge. If I run over my allotted limit, I have to pay extra (sometimes, a lot extra). Therefore, I regularly check my word counters like a nervous bank account holder, ensuring I haven't overdrawn my monthly linguistic budget. It's a constant dance of creativity and calculation.
Thankfully, God doesn't operate on a word count system. There's no divine limit on His love, patience, or grace. We won't find a heavenly dashboard flashing "Overdraft" when we stumble or mess up.

Not One Is Missing
For the past few months, I haven’t witnessed the starry sky for one simple reason—it wasn’t dark enough. Yes, one of the things that has taken us by surprise since moving to Wales is how long the days are in the summer. With Wales being so far north, the sun rises around 4:00 in the morning and doesn’t set until well after 10:00 in the evening during the summer months. Even after the sun sets, it never truly gets dark. This is one of the main reasons we have light-blocking curtains on the windows. That being the case, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the stars. At least, it had been until a few nights ago.