Getting to Know God - Jehovah Gaal

I recently watched a movie entitled "Amazing Love". It was the story of a youth group who takes a trip to the wilderness and, through the story of Hosea, learns the meaning of true, selfless love. The movie was truly enjoyable and helped me to see the story of Hosea in an entirely new light. When Hosea walked onto the auction block, handed over the money for his wife, Gomer, and picked her up to carry her back home, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. What a beautiful picture of unconditional love and a genuine picture of the love God has for us!

On Valentine's Day, I could think of no better topic to discuss than the unconditional love of God, made evident through Jehovah Gaal, the Lord thy Redeemer. Because of Adam and Eve's sin in the garden, we were all born into a life of sin. We are sinners by nature and, unfortunately, we are sinners by choice. Because of our great sin, none of us are worthy to enter into the holy Kingdom of God. Heaven is a perfect place without sin, and only the righteous can go there. And it is here that we see God's unconditional love enter into the scene.

God, in his great love and compassion, could not bear the thought of existing for all eternity without us. In fact, He loved us so much and desired so much to be with us that He was willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son on the cross of Calvary to pay for our sins. On that dark day on the hillside of Golgotha, Jesus became our Redeemer. The word "redeem" simply means to buy back. Just as Hosea redeemed Gomer from the auction block, so have we been redeemed--bought back by the King. Now, when God looks at us, He no longer sees our sin but the blood of His Son that covers those sins.

In my mind, the most amazing thing about God's love is that it is always present even when no love is returned. He loves me when I fail Him and even when I ignore Him. He loves me when I am good as well as when I am bad. In fact, He loved me before I ever realized I needed His love and long before I ever understood His love for me. There is nothing I could ever do to make Him love me anymore or any less. His love is pure. It is perfect. And it is truly unconditional.

Could it be that you are reading this post and have no idea of the love of which I am speaking? Perhaps you have heard of Jehovah Gaal, the Lord thy Redeemer, but have yet to meet Him. If this is the case, I implore you to go to Him today before it is too late. Realize the great sacrifice of love He made for you on Mount Calvary and accept His gift of salvation. I guarantee you that no matter what you've done or where you've been, His love is great enough to cover all your sins, if you will only accept His Son.

If you're looking for love this Valentine's Day, I can think of no better place to start than at the feet of Jesus.

 ForGod so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, thatwhosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16


Getting to Know God: Jehovah Azar


Tim Hawkins on Young Love