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Bouncy Castles and Boundless Grace
God's goodness Dana Rongione God's goodness Dana Rongione

Bouncy Castles and Boundless Grace

Three days have passed since our Community Family Fun Day, and I'm still in awe of God's faithfulness. Despite my lingering illness, back pain, and barely-there voice, the Lord blessed our event in ways I never imagined possible.

The day dawned with perfect weather—a true miracle in Wales! As I stepped out into the crisp morning air, I felt a surge of energy I hadn't experienced in weeks. Though I was far from feeling my best, the Lord granted me strength to not only endure but actually enjoy the entire day.

The turnout wasn't as large as it could have been, but it was greater than we had anticipated for our first community-wide event. Families from all over the community came to join in the festivities. Children's laughter filled the air as they bounced on inflatables, played games, and picked prizes. Parents relaxed and chatted, forging new friendships and strengthening existing ones.

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God’s Rescuing Hand

God’s Rescuing Hand

Last week, we received a long-awaited response from the UK government concerning the appeal set forth by our sponsors. The news wasn't good. The request was denied, and our sponsors' license was revoked. What does this mean for us? From the time of that decision, we have 60 days to set up a new sponsorship and get a new visa or leave the country. You know those rollercoaster rides at amusement parks? Yep, that's exactly how our emotions have been taking us for a spin lately. Anxiety, stress, and frustration have been our not-so-friendly companions during this journey.

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