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Focusing on the Gift
Life's Journey Dana Rongione Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Focusing on the Gift

As we embrace the festive Christmas season, our thoughts naturally turn to the timeless story of Jesus' birth, the tradition of giving and receiving gifts, and the overall spirit of generosity. Yet amidst all the merriment, it is important to pause and ponder a deeper lesson that extends beyond the holiday itself—one that teaches us about the true meaning of gifts and their significance throughout the year.

Before I go any further, I want to share a cherished memory from my childhood. On one particular Christmas, my sister and I yearned for a special gift—a lifelike doll named Lorrie, accompanied by a complete nursery of miniature furniture. This precious doll was in every catalog and every commercial.

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A New Christmas Tradition
Life's Journey Dana Rongione Life's Journey Dana Rongione

A New Christmas Tradition

Christmas is a time of tradition and familiarity. Seeing the collection of ornaments we’ve collected through the years always brings back fond memories. Gathering together with family to open gifts and play games was always a highlight.

This Christmas will be a bit different. Yes, we were able to bring a few things with us to Wales to make it feel more familiar, but as we grow closer to that holy day, we’re realizing just how many things are new and different for us this year.

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Leaky Buckets
Life's Journey, Christmas Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Christmas Dana Rongione

Leaky Buckets

I apologize for missing several posts last week. No matter where I am, the Christmas season is a busy time. I spent much of last week preparing our house for the holidays and practicing for our carol service at our chapel last Sunday. Now, with all that done, I can focus on my writing more. . .hopefully.

Friday night, we braved the frigid, snowy weather and attended a concert in town hosted by a local choir. We have several friends in the choir, so we wanted to show our support and enjoy an evening of Christmas songs.

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