Not-So-Merry Melodies
I never thought I'd say this, but last night, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer gave me nightmares. No, I'm not kidding! Jason and I were exploring different Christmas playlists on YouTube, seeking some festive background music while we worked. We stumbled upon what promised to be "Epic Christmas Arrangements," and wow, what a mixed bag that turned out to be!
Some of them were breathtaking, like the gorgeous orchestral version of "O Holy Night" that gave me goosebumps. But then things took a turn. Picture, if you will, "Jingle Bells" transformed into something that sounds like it belongs in a horror movie. The tune clicked and whirred like a broken music box from some abandoned Victorian nursery. The jolly "ho-ho-ho" became a sinister echo, and those cheerful jingling bells morphed into an ominous warning of impending doom.

The Perfect Tree
A couple of weeks ago, Jason and I bundled up against the Welsh winter and headed to our favorite Christmas tree farm. For the past few years, we've made the journey to this quaint spot where the elderly owner greets us with his warm smile and fascinating stories.
This year was no different. As we wandered through the rows of fragrant evergreens, he shuffled alongside us, sharing his observations about his customers' varied preferences. "You know," he said, adjusting his woolen cap, "it's quite remarkable how everyone has their own idea of the perfect tree."
He gestured toward a towering specimen that must have been at least eight feet tall. "Some families," he said, "want the tallest tree they can possibly fit in their house. But then," he chuckled, "others prefer the smaller ones they can place on a tabletop."
I smiled, thinking of our Tess and her enthusiastic tail.

Sometimes We Need the Rain (Repost)
We had a pretty decent winter storm come through last weekend. It started off as a wintry mix, then turned to snow, and then back to a wintry mix. Needless to say, it was quite treacherous outside.
By Sunday afternoon, most of the snow and ice had melted off the roads, but our side yard was still a big sheet of white ice. It was fun slip-sliding my way to the truck so we could go to church Sunday evening. (I looked like Bambi on ice, only in a skirt and boots.) On Monday, the sun came out, and it was a beautiful day with highs in the mid-50s. Still, the snow and ice on the grass in the sideyard didn't melt. By Monday night, we could still skate across the yard.

Leaky Buckets
I apologize for missing several posts last week. No matter where I am, the Christmas season is a busy time. I spent much of last week preparing our house for the holidays and practicing for our carol service at our chapel last Sunday. Now, with all that done, I can focus on my writing more. . .hopefully.
Friday night, we braved the frigid, snowy weather and attended a concert in town hosted by a local choir. We have several friends in the choir, so we wanted to show our support and enjoy an evening of Christmas songs.