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Lessons From the Birds, Part Three

Lessons From the Birds, Part Three

The avian antics at my bird feeder seemed to be an endless source of spiritual insight. From the clever sparrow who found a way around the crowded sides to the persistent little fellow who refused to give up, each bird had something to teach. I love how God does that! As I settled in for another session of feathered observation, I was struck by a new lesson that would make me question my approach to life's challenges and remind me of the importance of seeking God's guidance.

As the last suet ball dwindled, it shifted to one side of the feeder, presenting a new challenge for the feathered visitors. One determined bird caught my eye. Instead of simply flying around to the side where the suet ball now rested, this stubborn little fellow insisted on stretching through the bars, twisting his neck at impossible angles, all in an attempt to reach the food. I couldn't help but chuckle at his ridiculous contortions.

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Lessons From the Birds, Part Two
Encouragement, Comfort, God's guidance Dana Rongione Encouragement, Comfort, God's guidance Dana Rongione

Lessons From the Birds, Part Two

In my last devotion, I shared about the persistent sparrow who refused to give up on getting his share of the suet ball. Today, I want to revisit that scene because, as is often the case with God's creation, there are multiple lessons we can glean from a single moment.

As I continued to watch the birds that day, my attention was drawn to another sparrow—one who took a different approach altogether. You see, while most of the birds were content to jostle for position on the side of the feeder, one resourceful sparrow decided to think outside the box—or should I say, inside the feeder? He flew to the top and went down inside the feeder, allowing him unhindered access to the last ball. Sneaky, huh?

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