He Maketh Me To Lie Down

Yesterday, we took Tess on a 4-mile hike. Oh, what an exciting time she had. There were so many interesting smells and tantalizing crevices to explore. And let’s not forget the sheep to chase (though she could only chase so much as she was on a leash). We climbed hills, crossed bridges, and covered every kind of terrain from tarmac to forest floor and rock. She was so alert and attentive the entire time, I knew she would be exhausted when we got home.

However, after arriving at the house, we immediately had lunch, and of course, she couldn’t sleep while we were eating. She might miss something. So, she stayed awake.

After lunch, Jason needed to drive into town to pick up some meat we had ordered from the butcher. Knowing how much Tess loves to ride, he took her with him. So, again, she stayed awake so as not to miss a single thing.

When Jason got home, he spent a couple of hours in the kitchen and at the grill, preparing the meats to be used later. Guess who was his constant companion during this period. Yup, my very tired Tess.

As the two of us buzzed around in the afternoon, taking care of chores around the house, Tess followed. Laundry? Tess helped. Dishes? Tess was present. Preparing dinner? Definitely.

Finally, after our evening meal, my spent little terrier realized she couldn’t keep her eyes open. The whirlwind of activity had been too much for a pup that likes to sleep 2/3 of the day, and she crashed hard! She fell asleep in my chair and didn’t move for quite some time.

Watching her fight to stay awake all afternoon, I wondered why she wouldn’t just go to sleep. Why was she fighting it? It was obvious she was tired. Why wouldn’t she rest?

I think God often wonders the same about us. We, like Tess, tend to put off rest because there are too many other things to do, see, or explore. There’s more housework to do or social media to scroll through. The to-do list is still unfinished, and the deadlines aren’t met. Sometimes, we’re just so busy going and doing that we’re afraid we might miss something if we stop. Someone might get ahead of us. Or we might get further behind. So, we resist the need to rest and push on toward exhaustion.

Is it any wonder Psalm 23:2 tells us, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures?” Throughout the rest of the passage, we see God guiding and leading, but when it comes to rest, the Scriptures tell us God makes us lie down. Why? Because we won’t do it otherwise. Too often, we’re like sheep who don’t have enough sense to know to rest when we’re tired and weary. We fight off what’s best for us in exchange for. . .what? In truth, what do we really gain from wearing ourselves thin and working ourselves to death?

Better health? Nope.

Less stress? Definitely not.

Better relationships? Not likely, since most of us tend to be grouchy when we’re overworked and tired, or is that just me?

So, why do we do it? Why does God have to make us rest? Why do we, like Tess, resist what we know we need?

I’ll be honest. I typically don’t like being made to do something. Asked is fine. Urged? Okay. But made? No, that usually rubs me the wrong way. However, when it comes to rest, I’m so glad my Father loves me enough to make me lie down in green pastures. It’s good to know that when I don’t have the good sense to stop and rest, the Shepherd takes care of me and gives me what I need. And when I’m rested, I can function much better, and everything seems to run smoother. Why wouldn’t I want that all the time? Why don’t you?

Just something to chew on today. And in case you’re wondering, my precious pup has learned her lesson. We got back from a 2-mile walk a little bit ago, and she is currently curled up at my side and snoozing away. If she can heed this advice, surely we can do the same. Right?

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. - Psalm 23:1-3


Oh, Oh, Oh, Green Giant


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