Belted for Battle

Sitting here at my desk, I can't help but be thankful for the snug embrace of my new best friend—my SI belt. Before you start imagining some high-tech gadgetry or a superhero accessory, let me assure you it's far more mundane yet equally miraculous in its own way.

As many of you know, for years, I've battled with back pain that would make a contortionist wince. It's been a constant companion, like that one relative who overstays their welcome at family gatherings. But recently, my osteopath introduced me to this simple yet effective tool: the Sacroiliac (SI) belt.

This unassuming piece of equipment wraps around your hips, providing stability to the sacroiliac joint—that's the spot where your spine meets your pelvis. It's like giving your lower back a supportive hug, encouraging proper alignment and reducing strain. The first time I put it on, I half expected to hear angels singing. While that didn't happen, the relief I felt was nothing short of heavenly.

However, here's the kicker—and my osteopath was quick to point this out—the SI belt works best as a preventative measure. It's not a magical fix-all to slap on after you've already thrown your back out trying to lift that oversized watermelon at the grocery store. (Not that I've ever done that, of course. Ahem.) No, the real power of the SI belt lies in wearing it before you engage in activities that might strain your back.

As I pondered this, it struck me how similar this concept is to the belt of truth mentioned in the Bible. In Ephesians 6:14, we're instructed to "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth." This is part of the armour of God, designed to protect us in our spiritual battles.

Like my SI belt, the belt of truth isn't meant to be a last-minute addition when we're already in the thick of spiritual warfare. It's not something we hastily grab when facing temptation or doubt. No, the idea is to prepare our minds and hearts with God’s truth before the battle begins.

Think about it—how much easier is it to resist temptation when we've already filled our minds with Scripture? How much simpler is it to stand firm in our faith when we've been consistently nurturing our relationship with God? It's like having a spiritual SI belt, providing stability and support when the pressures of life threaten to throw us off balance.

So, whether we’re talking about physical or spiritual support, the principle remains the same: preparation is key. Just as I now make it a habit to wear my SI belt before engaging in activities that might strain my back, we should make it a daily practice to 'put on' the belt of truth.

Let's commit to immersing ourselves in God's Word, praying, and cultivating a deep understanding of His truths. That way, when life's challenges come—and they will—we'll be ready, standing firm with our spiritual posture aligned perfectly with God's will.

After all, prevention is better than cure, whether we're talking about back pain or spiritual warfare. So, let's strap on our belts—both literal and metaphorical—and face each day with confidence, knowing we're prepared for whatever may come our way.


Out of Your Hands, Out of Your Head


Hollow Hallelujahs