Covered by Grace and Mercy

I do believe that fall has finally arrived!  The past couple of weeks have brought about cooler temperatures, and I'm loving every minute of it.  I have literally giggled with glee as I've pulled out my sweaters, boots and heavy socks.  I cherish this time of year!

That being said, the transition from summer to fall can be a little tricky for us.  For the past several days I've had my windows open around the clock. The fresh, cool air is inviting and invigorating, but I must admit that this morning it was also quite chilly.  So I was torn whether or not to start a fire in the wood stove.  I reasoned that a small fire would take off the chill, and then I could just let it go out as the day warmed up.  But I also know that sometimes I tend to leave it burning too long, and then it gets stuffy in the house as the outside temperature increases.  So, I decided to simply snuggle up in a blanket and wait for the warmer air.

I wasn't far into my devotions when I realized that the couch was trembling.  I looked up and noticed that Tippy, my nearly 14-year-old beagle was shivering at my feet on the couch.  She was lying on top of the blanket, so rather than move her, I simply grabbed her night blanket from the bedroom and draped it over her shivering form.  She relaxed almost immediately.  Mitch, however, had the exact opposite reaction.  He jumped down from his spot on the couch, took me by the hand and led me to the place where his blanket had been stored for the warmer months.  As soon as I grabbed the blanket, he ran back to his spot on the couch, snuggled into the cushions and waited expectantly for me to cover him up.  Within just a few minutes, he was snoring.  Spoiled dog!

I understand his reaction though.  There's just something so cozy about being snuggled in a warm blanket on a cool morning.  But even that joy and pleasure pales in comparison to being wrapped up in God's tender mercies and never-ending grace.  When the harsh, bitter winds of this world blow, when the darkness hides all warmth as well as all light, when the world seems like such a cold, dismal place, isn't it wonderful to find ourselves covered by God's blanket of grace and mercy?  It shelters us from the harshest winds and warms us despite the bitter chill around us.  It brings about a sense of peace and calm that cannot be found elsewhere.  And unlike Mitch, we never have to ask for it.  We don't need to take God by the hand and lead Him to where His grace for us was stored.  It is always available, poured out upon us daily.

Hmm, and I thought my dogs were spoiled!  I guess we have no room to talk, huh?  After all, look at what our Master does for us! 

Grace be with you, mercy,and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Sonof the Father, in truth and love. - II John 1:3


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